Peanut Butter Espresso Smoothie ~ Qurator's: Hive Top Chef! | Smoothies!

in Qurator3 years ago (edited)

Hello Hiveans and @qurator! How are you? Hope everyone is fine and having a good day wherever you are. Espresso and peanut butter meet smoothie, how crazy delicious and yummy that sound! This peanut butter espresso smoothie combines my two favorite things: peanut butter and coffee! You can change the coffee to whatever flavors of your choice but for this recipe I am using espresso, my all-time favorite coffee.

At the end of my hot sweaty humid tiring day, just sitting at the balcony enjoying a glass of this cooling Espresso Smoothie just a perfect ending to close yet another fantastic day :D

Peanut Butter Espresso Smoothie



• 2 tablespoon espresso
• 1 tablespoon peanut butter
• 2 pitted dates
• 1 tablespoon maple syrup
• 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1 cup fresh milk
• Ice cubes



  1. Dilute the Espresso in hot water.

  2. Chop the dates

  3. Add all the ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.

  4. Add more ice if too liquid or more milk if too thick to your desire.

Wala "Peanut Butter Espresso Smoothie" Enjoy!


And that concludes my presentation for:

That's all for now, wishing you a beautiful day ~ Life is Beautiful.

The Best is yet to come, Keep Creating Keep Hiving!

Take care and Stay Blessed!

Yours truly,


Hello Agent99 how you doing you do come up with some beauties this Peanut Butter Espresso Smoothie originated from the land downunder in Australia, it was one of my favorites as a kid, well done mate spot on 🤣

Wow that is so good to know Max @kohsamui99! Didn't even know the origin of this delicious smoothies. I am good and so happy you drop by to check on me. The weather in Kuala Lumpur nowadays is so so hot and cooling down with smoothies and ice cream have been my favorite thing to do nowadays, cheers and take care mate!

Hahaha, now you know and it's always a pleasure to drop by to see how you doing our weather is cooler now in Australia but still pleasant nice to have a cool change so not many ice creams been eater just hot chocolate milos 😊

Yes, I am delighted when I see your post all the time. Hot chocolate Milo during freezing day is the best choice. I can smell the smell of hot chocolate just by talking about it. I am busy doing the fruit dessert challenge today, wanna post it soon if I can. Take care, cheers, ainie

Ahhhh...yeah love the smell of that hot chocolate, I am sure your fruit dessert will be yummy and amazing good luck my friend and take care 😊

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Thank you so much @ecency for your kind curation and visit. Have A Nice Day and take care, cheers, ainie