Qurator's Monday Missions: Christmas Letter to Santa

in Qurator3 years ago

Hi Dear Friends of Hive

My greetings to all of you, especially to our friend @qurator, the author of this iniciative. I hope you had a wonderful christmas night with your family. As I said many times before I love Christmas season so, writting a letter to Santa, not just as part of this mission, is really interesting because 2020 was a very difficult year.

I always give thanks God for the things and people I have in my life. In this opportunity I also thank Santa for all I got during this Christmas. I have my whole family, health, love, peace, food, a home to stay, many friends close and at distance, good neighbors, among other very good things.

I have also to give thanks for some things I don't have, problems with another people, for example, I have no sick relatives, I have no enemies, or another problems which are very bad and make a person's life more difficult. Finally, Santa here are my wishes:
🎄Find the cure to the coronavirus, and mortal diseases like cancer.
🎄Give good health to all members of my family and friends.
🎄Make children and olders have a warm hand to support them.
🎄Reduce poverty and hunger all around the world.
🎄Spread tolerance and mercy among politicians so they care more about people suffering especially in Venezuela.
🎄Don't let alone anybody who believe in you. Be always in their hearts so they keep faith and hope.

I feel I'm putting so much responsability in your shoulders to make my wishes come true. But please do your best and I'll do mine on earth. I'll always be grateful because I feel blessed. Thanks for reading my letter.

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feliz navidad ami, y que todos tus sueños se te hagan reaidad
te quiero muchoooo