Qurator's: Hive Top Chef! | PEPPERS!//Meat rolls with pimeton.

in Qurator4 years ago (edited)

Let's eat something nice and healthy and tasty.

Hello my friends who love rich and well-done food. This week I'm lucky to be cooking for this contest because the main protagonist is paprika. In my kitchen it can never be missing and my whole family loves it.

The paprika is used in all the stews and with it I have made rich sauces for raisins and pickles. Not to mention the antipasto to which it gives a very special flavor.

It is also known to contain a lot of vitamins and fibre, and is rich in lycopene, which has antioxidant properties. In my country they recommend red pepper to anyone with low haemoglobin and in some cases they combine it with guava for a greater effect.

Easy and simple recipe.


  • steak
  • green and red pepper
  • carrot
  • zucchini
  • an aubergine
  • one handle


  • 3 tablespoons of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar
  • one tablespoon of oil
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • rosemary, salt and pepper to taste.
  • Chicken broth.

Step by step.

  • We seasoned the meat with garlic powder, oregano, salt and pepper. We clean very well each one of the vegetables that we are going to use and then we put everything in long and thin strips.

  • Roast the vegetables on a griddle over medium heat for only 2 minutes, stretch the meat out on a board and place the strips on it.

For the dressing or glaze:

  • Heat the oil and add some garlic to fry until it releases all its flavor. Add the vinegar, honey, a little dry or fresh rosemary and a little chicken broth. Lower the heat, cover and let the glaze reduce for about 10 minutes.

  • Place the meat rolls on a griddle and roast for a few minutes on both sides, sprinkle the glaze on top and let roast for a few more minutes. Place on the plate and add a little more of the reduction on top.

I'm very happy with the result and I liked very much to see my son Fabián eating it with pleasure, besides I was able to cook a little more vegetables with some of the frosting that was left over and they were very good, I just added a little more salt and pepper.

I prepared this recipe with the intention of participating in the weekly contest of my friend @Qurator and if you are interested don't hesitate to make your recipe, publish it and upload it in the comments.


Images taken with my Kronos-net cell phone camera


Hello @carolinacardozo,

Much success in the challenge. The plate looks great, invites you to put your teeth in it. LOL

I am not a lover of cooking, but of eating. Very explanatory explanation of the recipe accompanied by excellent photographs.

Thanks for sharing.

I'm glad you liked it, it was really good and with the little bit of sauce that was left, I added more vegetables, they were even better.


Con el apoyo de la familia.

Muchísimas gracias,

Estas recibiendo nuestro voto y tu publicación aparecerá en nuestro reporte de curación.

mayvileros logo nuevo.png¡¡¡Felicidades!!!

Me dio hambre. Quedó de un bueno.

Jejeje, de verdad que si, quedó rico, y nosotros somos amantes de los vegetales,

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by @blessed-girl


Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

Diossss, que apetitoso se ve, amiga @carolinacardoza. Me encantarìa realizar esta receta, no se ve compleja, gracias por compartirla, mi abrazo y apoyo al #toptres de hoy.

Hola Mary, sabes que es lo mas rico, la salsa, tiene u toque diferente, creo que es el toque de la miel con el vinagre, aunque la receta original decía azúcar moreno.

Siempre estupendas y deliciosas tus recetas @carolinacardoza apoyado #toptres del día.

Hola mi querida sacra, un honor para mi siempre verte por acá visitando mi humilde blog, te cuento que gracias a Dios gané el segundo lugar, estoy que brinco en una pata, jejejej

Your dish looks sooo delicious, it's a real art using simple ingredients and turning them into a star dish! Congratulations on the second place!

Wow, que rica presentación.
Gracias por compartir tu receta.

Hola pauli, me esmero mucho en la presentacion del plato, definitivamente se cumple el dicho que dice: Se come primero con los ojos, jajjaja