Forced to picnic again!

in Qurator4 years ago (edited)


A few days ago the day started out a little tense. Mom in-law was agitated. I asked if I could use the kitchen and her response was yes as it always is but the tone implied a time limit.

I had a melon on the counter and thought today would be a good day to whip up some chilled soup for a starter. It would be fast and odorless. I thought I would do a second chilled soup for later that was simple and fast as well.
I had a bag of frozen green peas in the freezer and made a pea and mint soup to chill for dinner. I didn't bother to saute the onions and garlic to avoid odors but also to save time. We wanted to whip up something else on top of that to have after the chilled melon soup

First the cantaloupe was cut and put in the blender with a few mint leaves, half a cucumber, juice of a lime, fresh coriander salt, and chili powder.



For the pea soup I threw a diced onion, minced garlic, salt, pepper, a bay leaf, lemon juice. fresh mint and two tablespoons powdered veggie stock. I covered it with water and brought it to a boil.



I was interrupted by Marc who came in and said his mother asked him how long I would be. That was it for the day! I just put everything aside quickly cleaned up and we both agreed that there would be no more cooking. The cantaloupe chilled soup would not be enough. We were hungry.

We went in our room and ate the melon soup. It was very refreshing and surprisingly curbed the appetite until we got more food.



Meanwhile we put the minted pea soup away to cool and packed up our picnic supplies.

The minted pea soup was eaten at the next day's picnic which we took in a thermos and had at a closer park. Chilled soups are the perfect picnic item.


We then set out to one of the parks about one hour walk away.We stopped for some food that could be eaten cold.

We got lucky and found a perfect table by the little pond. What a score. There were quite a few people so it should have been taken.


At a grocer along the way we bought arugula, rice and corn crackers, vegan sausages, fruit, bean salad and grilled vegetables. We used the vinaigrette from the bean salad to dress the arugula.







We had a couple show up and join us for a snack. Only she took a cracker while he waited lovingly for her.



Another little friend stared at our lunch shyly from above.


It turned out to be a pretty relaxing day and we were happy to be in this environment. I wish I could live outside sometimes.



I dared to do the unthinkable and take my boots off to cool off in the water. I am pretty sure security would have frowned upon this behavior. Oh well I did it anyway and it felt good. Even the children don't do that.


Well it turned out to be a good day and we were glad that we were kind of forced out, but the hour long walk back to the home was not super fun. Anyway picnic life is where it's at, if the sun shines.

I had my winter coat on yesterday uhhgghh!


Thanks for dropping by folks!


All the food looks so amazing! Must have been a really nice picnic :) Especially with the little guests.

Haha the little ones make me happy. Thank you @ewkaw!

Manually curated by EwkaW from the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Always looks very beautiful and delicious my friend.

beautiful entry and good ingredients. regards..

Ah, feet in cold water! I bet that felt good. I'm FEELING you - it's all about the tactile, isn't it ? Cold sweet melons, mangoes, strawberries - cool water on teh skin. Craving those kind of sensations here in my lockdown hotel! Glad it was a nice day in the end.

Yes indeed. I am sorry about your lockdown hotel hell. I hope you break free soon.😌

Oh dear, that sounds like a bit of a tense relationship with MIL 😕

Luckily your yummy food doesn't need to be eaten hot, picnic is the way to go!

Thank you @livinguktaiwan. It is tense but it's the price we have to pay to have a place to stay while we have no income thanks to the new world situation.

Love your Foodie post!

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Thank you Foodies and @anggrekiestari!

Absolutely beautiful post - that melon soup sounded so delicious as do all your other dishes, as always! Fabulous photos of your food, gorgeous nature and great seeing you and Marc! So glad you can get out and about again and enjoy summertime:)