They cannot be more simple and beautiful (Es-Eng)

in Quratorlast year
Feliz de estar nuevamente en esta maravillosa ¨QuratorCommunity¨:  Compartiendo unas hermosas fotografías de la belleza natural que tenemos en cercanía al lugar donde acostumbramos hacer nuestra caminata diaria. Este es un lugar muy agradable para caminar y disfrutar de un entorno natural hermoso, que alberga muchas plantas florales sencillas dueñas de flores extremadamente bellas

Source: Family Álbum

Happy to be back in this wonderful ¨QuratorCommunity¨:  Sharing some beautiful photographs of the natural beauty that we have near the place where we usually do our daily walk. This is a very nice place to walk and enjoy a beautiful natural environment, which is home to many simple flowering plants that own extremely beautiful flowers

Estamos culminando otra de esas semanas difíciles si hablamos de mi estado de salud, apresar de todos los tiramientos que estoy realizando no veo una mejoría en las dolencias, y para ser honesto estoy muy preocupado, no deseo por nada en el mundo vivir con este malestar físico. Una manera de olvidar esta situación es visitar este encantador lugar, allí me relajo y es como si me olvidara de mi malestar

Source: Family Álbum

We are culminating another of those difficult weeks if we talk about my state of health, despite all the pulling that I am doing I do not see an improvement in the ailments, and to be honest I am very worried, no I wish for nothing in the world to live with this physical discomfort. One way to forget this situation is to visit this charming place, there I relax and it is as if I forgot about my discomfort

La enorme dimensión del terreno tiene en su interior varios senderos arbolados por el que se puede escoger por el cual caminar, la superficie es limpia y plana lo que hace factible caminar con los pies descalzos, algo beneficioso para obtener toda la ¨energía¨ que brinda la naturaleza. Hoy escogimos un camino que sabemos que al final nos vamos a encontrar con un grupo de plantas muy bellas

Source: Family Álbum

The enormous dimension of the land has several wooded paths inside it, through which you can choose to walk, the surface is clean and flat which makes it possible to walk with bare feet, something beneficial to obtain all the "energy" that nature provides. Today we chose a path that we know that in the end we are going to find a group of very beautiful plants

Unas de esas plantas que pudimos ver entre el grupo de plantas es una muy conocida en gran parte del mundo llamada ¨lantana¨: una variedad muy simple que es muy común ver en los jardines del barrio, y para ser honesto no me sorprende, ya que es una de esas plantas que se adaptan muy bien al calor extremo de mi ciudad, además de lo bien que decora cualquier espacio que se les otorgue, aunque hay que tener mucho cuidado al momento de asignar el espacio por su gran crecimiento

Source: Family Álbum

One of those plants that we could see among the group of plants is a well-known one in much of the world called ¨lantana¨: a very simple variety that is very common to see in neighborhood gardens, and to be honest it does not surprise me, since it is one of those plants that they adapt very well to the extreme heat of my city, in addition to how well they decorate any space that is given to them, although you must be very careful when assigning the space due to its great growth

Lo emocionante de este hallazgo no es la planta y sus bellas flores, puesto que es una planta que veo habitualmente, lo emocionante esta en lo que he descubierto hoy, y se trata de los pequeños frutos que antes nunca había visto que tuvieran, por lo que puede leer ahora están verdes e ira cambiando de color a medida que vaya madurando. Siempre es bueno estar preparado con nuestra ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ para disparar sobre cualquier objeto hermoso que se presente y valga la pena darles a conocer

Source: Family Álbum

The exciting thing about this find is not the plant and its beautiful flowers, since it is a plant that I see regularly, the exciting thing is in what I have discovered today, and it is about the small fruits which I have never seen them have before, from what you can read they are now green and will change color as they mature. It is always good to be prepared with our ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ to shoot on any beautiful object that comes along and is worth making known


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


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Thank you very much dear friend
enjoy the weekend

These flowers are very delicate. They also grow abundantly in the region where I live and I admire them greatly. Your photos capture the essence of this natural charm. Thank you for the enjoyable post! 🌸

The grateful one is me dear friend @damla for appreciating and supporting my photographs, you are very kind
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid weekend

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Thank you very much dear friends for the great support you give me
I wish you all a great weekend

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Thank you very much dear friends for the enormous support you always give to my post
Have a beautiful Sunday

What an amazing caption we go here and beautiful nature. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post dear friend @jlufer !PIZZA


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