Watching people enjoy the closeness of the coast (Es-Eng)

in Quratorlast year
Hola amigos de esta genial ¨Qurator Community¨:  Muy feliz de estar nuevamente en este esplendido lugar, compartiendo una hermosa selección de fotografías de uno de los¨parque¨:  más hermoso y emblemático de nuestra ciudad. Un lugar que representa y guarda mucha historia de la ¨Ciudad¨de ¨Corrientes¨: 

Source: Family Álbum

Hello friends of this great ¨Qurator Community¨:  Very happy to be back in this splendid place, sharing a beautiful selection of photographs from one of the ¨ parque¨:  the most beautiful and emblematic park in our city. A place that represents and keeps a lot of history of the ¨City¨of ¨Corrientes¨: 

Vivo en una ciudad pequeña que se caracteriza por tener todo cerca, si de visitar lugares hermosos de la ciudad se trata, no estas a más de quince minutos del lugar que deseas conocer, una de las razones para que muchas personas nos visiten, otra razón es que tenemos muchos espacios verdes dentro de la ciudad para pasar el día en compañía de la naturaleza

Source: Family Álbum

I live in a small city that is characterized by having everything nearby, if you are visiting beautiful places in the city, you are not more than fifteen minutes from the place you want to visit, one of the reasons why many people visit us, another reason is that we have many green spaces within the city to spend the day in the company of nature

Mi madre es una persona con una forma de hablar muy particular, en sus conversaciones incluye muchas frases propias de nuestra región, a ella le encanta decir que los correntinos estamos¨cortados¨ con la ¨misma¨¨tijera¨:  haciendo referencia a que todos tenemos los mismos gustos, y en cierta manera tiene mucha razón, a todos nos gusta pasar tiempo sentados en los bancos que están en cercanía de la costa para disfrutar de su inmensa belleza

Source: Family Álbum

My mother is a person with a very particular way of speaking, in her conversations she includes many phrases typical of our region, she loves to say that we Corrientes are¨cortados¨ with the ¨misma¨¨scissors¨:  referring to the fact that we all have the same tastes , and in a certain way he is quite right, we all like to spend time sitting on the benches that are close to the coast to enjoy its immense beauty

Muchos podrían decir que ¨Corrientes¨ es una ciudad costera por su asentamiento, haber construido la ciudad al borde del rio ¨Paranᨠnos hace parecer a este tipo de ciudades. La enorme costanera que serpentea las calles céntricas es un verdadero orgullo para los correntinos, un lugar que ha sido el centro de las reuniones sociales de varias generaciones y seguirá siendo en la medida que vayamos transmitiendo estas costumbres a las generaciones venideras

Source: Family Álbum

Many could say that ¨Corrientes¨ is a coastal city due to its settlement, having built the city on the edge of the ¨Paranᨠriver makes us look like this type of city. The enormous waterfront that winds through the downtown streets is a real source of pride for the people of Corrientes, a place that has been the center of social gatherings for several generations and will continue to be as long as we transmit these customs to future generations

Este es otro rinconcito que a los correntinos nos encanta dar a conocer y presumir con su belleza. Un lugar que por generaciones sirvió para que nos sentáramos a disfrutar de las cercanías de la vida natural, percibir su frescura, oír el sonido inquietante del correr de las aguas de nuestro imponente ¨Paraná¨. La toma fotográfica que pueden ver es gracias a nuestra ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ que ha hecho estas fotografías

Source: Family Álbum

This is another little corner that we Corrientes love to make known and show off with its beauty. A place that for generations served for us to sit down to enjoy the proximity of natural life, perceive its freshness, hear the disturbing sound of the running of the waters of our imposing ¨Paraná¨. The photographic shot that you can see is thanks to our ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ who has taken these photographs


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


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Thanks for showing us the nature and coast! It looks really great there. !ALIVE

@jlufer! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @mypathtofire. (1/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

It is a pleasure dear friend, very happy that you liked it
Happy start of the week

Very beautiful and attractive place.
This is very good idea for spending time here and enjoy the natural beauty.
Thanks for sharing.

Thanks to you dear friend @priyya for this pleasant visit and support that you give me
Have a happy start to the week