Qurator's Photo Quest | Footprints on the Beach.

in Qurator3 years ago

Do you know where the most footprint signatory are left in this world, I would say on the beaches of the world there you will see every form, shape and size that you could imagine of these footprint signatories stretching for miles on these soft white sands and only to be washed away over night and repeated the next day, it is something we really don't take much notice of but they can be quite artistic but I think no one has ever really recognized it as a art form.






I was on the beach the other morning as usual early doing my morning jog and this footprint contest came to mind at the time. On the early mornings on the beach there are normally just a handful of other joggers or a couple walking there dogs, so the beach is quite clear of footprints from the day before having all been washed away by the tide, so you not only have a nice clean beach but fresh footprints around so, I took advantage of the early morning footprint signatory that had already signed in for that morning.






My favorite footprints to look at, is the ones that have been left on a long stretch of beach sand by that one person, it leaves it, to your imagination where they end. I have many times been the one on the beach at that early morning jogging along and when, I am about to leave the beach sand and head of along the concrete pathway up to the lighthouse, I look back and see my footprints as far as my eye can see and they look like railway lines disappearing into the distance.







Qurator's Photo Quest | Footprints by @qurator


You are amazing my friend @kohsamui99, footprints on the beach can be an inspiration for you, I really admire you

Haha, thanks @lasman07 something different it was fun doing it 😁

Your laughter is very free, I'm sure,? sure you and your family have a great weekend

Cheers...buddy enjoy 👍

Such signs can be easily seen on the beach. Which is very amazing to see. Has done awesome photography.

Thank you @kawsar8035 was fun doing it 👍

Yay! 🤗
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Great photos, you have an awesome eye for clean and subject-related material.

Nice footprints on the beach photography.

Nice picture. Good luck 🍀👍

Thank you @karbea did get a place better then nothing 😊

That's very true, you can see all kinds of footprints on the beaches but it never came to my mind to take pictures of them. All the best for your contest!

Thank you @sunnyag sometimes fun to be different, I had these in my archive and knew they would come in use some day.