Hive Top Chef! Garlicky BBQ'd Bread Sticks

in Qurator3 years ago

Open fires or Barbeques came to mind when I saw the theme of Skewers for this week's Hive Top Chef; and I could just smell the sizzling smoky aromas; really tantalizing my taste buds.

Small cubes of meat that's been been marinated in wine/ lemon juice or yogurt with one's favourite herbs and spices, is pushed onto wooden or stainless steel skewers, alternating with vegetables such as onions, bell peppers, mushrooms or dried peaches or apricots.

Strong Rosemary branches that are partially stripped, also make a wonderfully aromatic skewer; great with Lamb!

If you've been to Turkey with its rich heritage, you will know this dish as Shişh Kebabs, traditionally made with Lamb; in France it would be called Brochettes, where they mainly use Lamb or Chicken; in Portugal Espetadas are made with Beef marinated in red wine and spices or they also use Fish or Squid.

Here in South Africa where we call the BBQ a Braai and we make Sosaties with Lamb or Beef and dried Apricots which is marinated in a spicy mixture.

The marinades of course play a dual role and that is to tenderise as well as flavour the meat.

However, I did not get to make this traditional treat but have made a BBQ accompaniment which is a variation of another traditional Braai speciality called Roosterkoek; shown in the image below the Garlicky Bread Sticks:


Garlicky BBQ'd Bread Sticks

The How-to

  • Bread Dough
  • Crushed Garlic
  • Fresh Herbs (optional)
  • Butter (or Vegan Butter)
  • Wooden Skewers

Let bread dough prove, knock down and roll into a rectangle.

Cut into long strips, arrange garlic & herb butter in centre, then roll into long sausage shapes. Mine looks more like a snake:)


Twist around wooden skewer.


Spray a barbeque grid with non-stick cooking spray; not over the flames though as that could be disastrous!

Cook over a BBQ that is not fiercely hot or else your Bread Sticks could burn but still be raw inside.


Bread Sticks are rising nicely with the odd bit of butter escaping and sizzling on the fire, giving off a tantalizing aroma!

Delicious eaten on its own or as a snack or an accompaniment at the BBQ.



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This has been my contribution towards the exciting weekly @qurator foodie contest,
Qurator's: Hive Top Chef! | Skewers Hope you enjoyed it, and thank you for popping into my Hive kitchen :)
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Oh wow if I had ever thought of that in my life I could have been the hit of a backyard barbecue. Leave it to you @lizelle. I think I will do that this summer at the park if they let us out again. Love love love this idea. I guess I haven't lived haha.

This I need to try, since I have activated my grill I should do something like this anytime, it looks really good!

I rensberg making stokbrood when I was a kid!!! It’s so yummy. These days I’m a sounding carbs but this makes me want to eat the whole lot!!!!