Qurator's Monday Missions | ZZZZZ | Mission Almost Impossible

in Qurator • 3 years ago

Hello to all HIVE friends 💕 I'm here leaving my participation in the @qurator Monday mission, this time the idea is to photograph 5 objects that start with the letter Z and boy was it a challenge to find them. But the truth is that I had fun thinking and solving this mission so I hope you enjoy it. I tried to be creative but resources were limited hahaha.


5 objects with the letter Z

I hope that the language is not a limitation and everyone can understand this publication, in my native Spanish the letter Z is not used so much and all the selection was made based on it.

Zapatos / Shoes


Zarcillos / Tendrils


Zanahoria / Carrot


Zumo / Juice


Zancudo / Mosquito


This was an almost impossible mission but I am glad to have completed it with my 5 objects and to teach you a little more of the Spanish language. I hope you liked my entry and can participate. @qurator


See you next time 😘



How did you photograph the mosquito, did you offer it to eat from your arm to pose and then plafff!!? I loved this very clever and creative post, good luck. Regards

¿Como hiciste para fotografiar el zancudo? ¿Le ofreciste comer de tu brazo para que posara y despues plafff!!? Me encanto esta publicacion muy ingeniosa y creativa, suerte. Saludos

hahahaha I literally put a bait on him, my daughter's leg. They were under the table and I couldn't take a picture of them, I sat it down and that's it. how cruel right? I apologize for not answering earlier.

 3 years ago  

Pffffffffffffjaajajaja me mataste con el zankudo!

Jajajaja ni te imaginas como tomé esta foto jajajajajajajajajaa.