In a hurry — Con prisa — Street photography (En/Es) | | Qurator’s photo contest

in Qurator3 years ago (edited)



You can see the woman on the photo is walking very fast, but with a singular pace because she is using high heels. The image captures the moment when both feet are on the air. I show the photo in color and black and white. It was taken in Santiago (Chile) with the camera of a Samsung Galaxy S20 and edited with Gimp.


La mujer en la imagen está caminando con prisa y en tacones altos, por lo que su paso es un algo peculiar. La foto capta el momento en que ambos pies están en el aire. La foto fue tomada en Santiago (Chile) usando la cámara de un Samsung Galaxy S20 y la edición se realizo en Gimp.


The photos of this post are my entry in the Qurator’s Photo Quest of this week, the topic is “street photography” . The rules of the contest can be read here.

Con estas fotos estoy participando en el concurso fotográfico de esta semana organizado por @qurator, cuyo tema es “fotografía urbana” (“street photography”). Los reglas del concurso se encuentran en este enlace.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope that you enjoyed the post.
Gracias por pasearse por mi blog y espero que el post haya sido de su agrado.

Images by @nenio — All rights reserved


Hello @nenio. Great capture. The photo does show the lady while both feet seem to be off the ground. Also, walking in those high heels will prevent one from running. I had a thought. It may be that a car was approaching fast, and she needed to hurry and get across the street.

Thanks for sharing this nice shot.

I am glad that you like the image.
At the time when I captured the photo no car was approaching in the direction that you described.
Thanks for your comment.
Best regards.