So that was Christmas and 2021....

in Qurator2 years ago (edited)

May I just say that from a personal perspective, that this year Christmas was utterly abysmal?
For the first time since having children, I failed at gifting them the ONE present they begged for all year, though they are given plenty of money to save for it on their own.
For the first time in my entire adult life, I spent Christmas alone once 1pm rolled around. I had the migraine of the month, and so decided to not go to my brother and sister in laws to see the rest of my family. Honestly, my hair hurt from the migraine, my eyeballs hurt, my muscles ached and medical grade hydration therapy drinks tasted AMAZING.
I picked up Chinese food for a late lunch and left over dinner and it was AMAZING.
The puppy wanted snuggled but also wanted to teethe on anything she could get her mouth of sharp teeth on- even if it was my nose, jaw, cheek, fingers, toes, elbow, forearm etc. I love her dearly; so do her boys.
She makes it obvious that she doesn't handle the alone thing well. I totally get it.
My sons arrived home from spending Christmas day with their father and his new wife's family. When their father was gone, they came in with these forlorn faces and said that they didn't remember to get me anything because usually their step-dad (my estranged husband) would take them shopping for me. I REALLY do not care about the gifts. I do care that they were upset that the man who spent half of their lives with them as their step-father set false expectations for them well before Christmas and failed to follow through.
I shared some ideas of what we could do with the wall that the TV is currently on. Showed them some octagon shaped driftwood colored shelves that would look really nice on the wall, and some air plants that would be beautiful in the lavender clay pots I have that I had planned to repurpose for some kind of small cactus type plant. We talked about designing that wall out and what could go on the shelves; like the clay paw print from our Princess, along with the keepsake box that my brother is crafting by hand for me and some picture frames for pictures of both Princess and our new little one- Noel (Original name Magnolia). Naturally, there would be the repurposed La Fermiere Yogurt pots for the air plants.

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(Side note: HOLY BALLS BATMAN!!!! Sets of 2 of the empty pots sell for $16 on Etsy. I think I found a way to supplement my yogurt habit!)
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This is Air Plant Iona Tillandsia
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I SHOULD NOT BE COMPLAINING though... There are moms like Martha Chansley who had to speak with her son Jake, who is in Federal Prison awaiting transport to an Arizona facility so as to allow him to be closer to family.
If you have never read a post of mine that mentions Jake Chansley (Angeli), he is a US Navy veteran who was HONORABLY discharged, he practices a Shamanic faith, essentially educated himself because the public school system nationwide sucked back then (and it still sucks now), and he is a J6 defendant, who is has been in solitary confinement since his arrest.

They claim that it is due to his entirely organic diet, but that can't possibly be the reason when just a year ago there was a federal defendant that had an allergy to gluten. His own mother stood in court before the Hon. Michelle Burns and explained that even if her son touched the counter where a slice of toast had laid, he was affected. (See: ). They did not keep Austin separated from the other inmates due to dietary restrictions or allergy precautions. Neglectful behavior be damned, he just had to stay, even as Covid took over his facility. Austin has been out since April 2021 and on probation. Unable to use forms of social media or participate in interviews unless they are pre-approved by his Probation officer.
The other moms and dads with their own grown children stuck in the gulags of prisons in states that surround DC await their trials and they are unable to make it for Christmas. In the majority of the cases of the 600 or just slightly less detained from J6, they were there because they wanted to witness history. They were invited in by DC Metro PD.
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They did not have to break windows to get in, the doors were held. Others awaiting trial, like Jayden X aka John Sullivan or Ali Alexander aka Ali Akbar, are being permitted to be at home pending their trial dates, permitted to be party to forming their defense with their attorneys (despite John Sullivan's active aggressive efforts to be a chaos agent and incite violence by having weapons and encouraging people to "Burn the place down"). He taught people how to properly wear blackbloc to avoid recognition. Then failed to cover his own face in videos of him inside the Capitol. He filmed the entire thing, including Ashli Babbitt being shot.
He pocketed over 92K on the sales of that video to 6 main stream media services. Yes, $92,000.00 USD for the video footage that included the murder of a Military Veteran being shot and killed by Lt. Michael Byrd, who was armed inside the Senate Chamber. He was advised in April 2021 that he would not face charges for the shooting death of the United States Air Force Veteran and wife who loved Trump.
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I digress, let's go back to Jayden-X...
It does seem, however, that Pre-Trial Services Release isn't faring well for poor Jayden. The eyeliner is becoming a bit heavier, and the collars and choke chains a bit more predominant.
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The other 600, well they wait. They wait as disease and other ailments fester on in the unsanitary conditions. Christopher Worrell, fortunately, was released after Judge Royce C. Lamberth ordered Worrell to be released from the DC jail after an unannounced inspection by US Marshals last month showed mistreatment of detainees and increased the judge's concern that a defendant with cancer would not be treated properly.
Judge Royce Lamberth said that the conditions in the jail were "deplorable" and "beyond belief," and ordered that defendant Christopher Worrell be transferred immediately to a different jail, and released on home detention as soon as possible to start chemotherapy.
"This court has zero confidence that the DC jail" will provide the treatment correctly and not retaliate against Worrell, Lamberth said. Curious connection here is that Jake Chansley had the same Judge as Mr. Worrell.

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Ali Alexander has made his rounds on Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, and some other random show. WHY? Was he not wanted by the FBI for stealing the funds raised by the Ladies or Women of Maga who were, from my best recollection, the first to create "Stop the Steal" and #StoptheSteal and #STS and Alexander co-opted their movement and their funds by way of redirecting their site to his site and donation accounts? Good and decent people intending to donate to the true Stop the Steal Movement gave money to a criminal who says in his own words that he "is given money by "billionaires" to shop around for whatever is needed to get the job done."
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I guess, hate me for having compassion for those who are in federal prison for going to the Capitol for PEACEFUL protests, those who PEACEFULLY walked about the Capitol building like it was a museum, those who prayed with officers, those who shook hands with fellow countrymen in an unspoken contract of peace. I don't hate me for my compassion, my children don't hate me. My parents don't hate me. My true friends don't hate me. If that is what you have to judge me on, I pray you do not have a glass house.

I pray for those who are in the Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington DC Federal Prison for January 6th that are charged with trespassing, and other non-violent charges. NOT A SINGLE CHARGE FOR ANY DEFENDANT IS FOR AN ACT OF VIOLENCE, INSURRECTION OR TREASON
I pray that you are being provided for, that you are warm, have clean bedding and clothing and are permitted to shower appropriately. That you are able to breathe fresh air and feel the sun on your face at least once per day. There are those of us out here working hard to show the truth for those with ears to hear it. Thankfully, I have found more people than I could have asked for who do have the ears to hear and are willing to listen and want to help. So hang tight everybody... You're not alone, we are all with you and we have not given up on you. NOT AT ALL..

@wehmoen @alicekennedy
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