cross-posted this post in Hive Improvement 4 years ago

To Hive, or not to Hive? - 2 Aug 20

in Matrix-8 NewAgeDApps4 years ago (edited)

This is Original Content first posted here by at the request of and written by @matrix-8 John Huckel. All rewards to New Age DApps community hive-153630

Hive is in trouble

As has been worryingly repeated on this post and thread by @therealwolf, Hive does not have the oomph! to hold its own against its more established competitors. Under current conditions, it will probably soon fall by the wayside as just another good idea that didn't make it. Neither you nor I want that to happen. Hive has soul! It has enjoyed public acclaim for having taken the highroad in its fight for survival. Let's now give it some innovative features that will separate it from the competition, and secure its future.... I can provide it the oomph that it needs.

If you haven't read my recent essay on Trusted Reputation ( – please do so. It explains how my system – The Matrix-8 Solution ( ) – can solve the problem of verifying that someone is a real person, and that he or she probably doesn't have criminal intentions. Solving the important problem of verification and reputation is in and of itself, a great accomplishment. What's more, my system's innovations will be able to update Hive, separating it from the pack, making it a leader in revitalizing society. But these are actually only ancillary perks to the greater potentials of the system. In my mind, the Matrix-8 Solution has the potential to change the face of Governance worldwide.

The World is in trouble

Pandemics, financial meltdowns, bankruptcies, unemployment, evictions.... Multiple devastating worldwide floods are here! And as the waters rise, there are no vessels currently in existence, or even on the drawing boards, that can hope to save more than only a few from drowning.

But, I have developed a mighty Ark! This same Matrix-8 Solution can save us. It is capacious enough to hold the whole population of the Earth. I'm not exaggerating. Housed within the simple mechanics of ever-expanding Fractal Cubes, just following the laws of multiplication—basically 8X8X8X8 etc—the whole world's population can fit within only 11 Levels on a Matrix-8 platform. 811 = 8,589,934,592, the population of Earth is still under 8,000,000,000. Internet technology allows us to interconnect each of the elemental Fractal Cubes—groups of 8 individuals—with the entire matrix of the fractal. And just as you and seven others in a lifeboat would be likely to come to some democratically arrived at decisions about which way to go – the whole of Mankind—wired up and connected in the Ark—will similarly be able to reach accords democratically, and move forward under its own steam. The whole of the planet can engage in real, meaningful communication, and democratically arrive at actionable solutions. No treacherous politicians needed.

Stop funding the Criminals

My system has the potential to cut the flow of money to the Powers that Shouldn't Be. Each Sovereign Individual will be able to hold back his or her personal power, within their control – until he or she explicitly wishes to employ it in a specific, understood manner, to solve a specific, understood problem. There need be no slush fund of a treasury for the current elected parasites to plunder. No money materializes until all the details of a complete Business Plan are agreed to, and pledged donations are made. My system can literally save the planet from the Powers that Shouldn't Be. That is the potential of the Matrix-8 Solution.

First as a business

But at first, it will be employed as a curious money-making novelty. Just think of the number of potential customers who would be interested in getting together and actually answering a Trump tweet! Thousands—if not millions—eager to let Trump hear what they think as a group. First, they will stick to their groups, whether for or against his latest outrage: the America Firsters; and the Never Trumpers. Then one day someone will discover that the two groups can actually talk productively to each other. Soon they will discover that they don't need Trump – or any other made-for-TV politician to decide for them what they should do. At that point, the game is up!

Hive will lead the field

And even when other Matrix-8 Platforms are copied by others – Hive will have been the first one out of the blocks. As you well know, the first working iteration of a novel and useful system has a huge advantage over those who later copy it. Bitcoin may not be the best possible design at this juncture in the evolution of Cryptos, but it's dominance in this space is unchallenged. Similarly, the Hive Community will enjoy a substantial lead over any copycats to follow. That, in and of itself could guarantee Hive's survival. But there is another very positive aspect to adopting The Matrix-8 Solution – and that is, once promoted to its most likely users, by its design it will bring new people into the Hive Community by the hundreds or thousands each time it is employed. This is because it's primary purpose is to provide the Democratic Process (the next evolutionary step from Representative Democracy) to huge groups of people who cannot otherwise coordinate to fulfill the wishes of their individual members.

In my earlier post, I tried to sell it as a mechanism to arrive at Trusted Reputation. Herein I am again selling you the larger Matrix-8 Solution, because it solves the lesser problem of how to rescue the Hive Community. And we all want Hive to stick around so that it can attain its promise of promoting freedom of speech, freedom of association, and equitable remuneration for Value created. While this is not the Matrix-8 Solution's greater purpose or potential – it can also do these things.

Someone has to do it

If I've got your attention at all, please investigate what Atma Love suggested, and there is a lengthy White Paper ( you should read. I am a philosopher not a programmer – we need each other's help. Let us not talk falsely now – the hour is getting late!

Together we can do this,

John Huckel @matrix-8
[email protected]

Please join the [New Age DApps Community}( where you can also learn more about The Matrix-8 Solution and help bring it into being, perhaps as a way of governance for your own community or business.

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