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RE: Introducing a "like" Button to Hive

in Hive Improvement4 years ago

I just doubt that the success of Hive will depend on choosing the perfect parameters. That's an aspect we've already given a lot of attention during the Steem days. For developers and other technical people, it's easy to overestimate the importance of 'fiddling with the knobs', and to underestimate unintended consequences.

Certain technical improvements are essential for Hive adoption: an easier onboarding process and a better reputation system. For improving reputation, @steem-ua was a good approach, but development was stopped for personal reasons, as far as I can tell.

Otherwise, it's a social network protocol, and now that it's owned by the users, we need to do more to recruit new users. Promotion on Twitter is going great, and @justineh did an excellent job reaching out to exchanges. But we need to get out more in the real world, as far as possible during a pandemic, and we also need to fund a fulltime PR person who can recruit high-profile accounts and help get more professional content on Hive.


yes, indeed this is so important as well. There are still a lot of "to-dos". But I think the community has shown that it is resourceful so far :)