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RE: PeerVerity: The New P2P Trust & Knowledge Protocol from Blocktrades! A Decentralised Social Proof Network!

Thank you for posting about this! I had this idea when I was trying to figure out how to vote in my local election. I knew some people who I respect their opinion and some I opposed, so I'd like to know who they would endorse. We do this with newspaper endorsement, but I wanted to have this more fine-tune. I imagined various pundits posting their reviews of candidates where I can start out with a weighted score on who I'd probably want to vote for, and then be able to drill down into why those I respected endorsed or why those I disagreed with endorsed.

I fumed this all into an email to a local radio host at one time. I had no answer but this has been on my mind for a while since then. Great to have all these avenues for sifting through reviews of various things via your confidence of users reviewing them! Now, how does this actually work? PeerVerity's website does not explain. I see those first two posts you linked (Thank you again!) and I agree that is how it would work. I hope we get that third post about how to do it. Otherwise, just start tinkering ourselves, I suppose.


You are welcome! At this point @blocktrades is the best source on this, we will have to wait for comments from them to update on the shape this is taking. I imagine it will evolve significantly as more people use the new protocol. Ultimately, the form it takes will to some extent depend on the users and the apps that use the protocol, similar to the way that web browsers have evolved on top of http.