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RE: Hive Improvement Proposal: Decentralize blacklists on Hive

in Hive Improvement4 years ago

I ask you to consider removing reputation scores completely.

Just look at the loudest accusers on steemit and hive, they all have high reputation scores and simultaneously are guilty of more egregious abuses than the people they accuse. Reputation scores convey no reliable or meaninful information regarding an individuals character or past behavior. Get rid of it completely.

We should also be aware of the social credit score adopted by Communist China and how that is used top oppress its own people, why would you want to use system that is designed to oppress people on Hive?

Look what is going on in other countries like the US UK Australia NZ all being coerced into adopting the covi pass with its own color coded form of social credit score. This is a bad idea if we value freedom and decentralization.

So no to black lists and no to social credit scores or whatever other label you slap on it.


I believe you are confusing reputation with scoring. It is demonstrable that even quite asocial vertebrates rely on reputation, and the most sociable species are the more dependent they are on scoring reputation. This is because higher sociability has generally promoted centralization, as bees and wasps demonstrate.

However, enabling reputation to be scored by individuals prevents centralization of power, which promotes distribution of power.

I am strongly in favor of societies that feature peers rather than overlords, and distributing reputation scoring is essential to formalizing such society. As it would be difficult to envision our present circumstances resulting in informal society without catastrophic population reduction, which I do not support, I strongly support distributing reputation scoring.