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RE: Significant Problems With Free Account Creation On Multiple Hive Dapps

in Hive Improvement4 months ago (edited)
  1. Sure I did. You're not the best listener, but I explained the redistribution mechanism that downvotes are multiple times. I got annoyed and started to make fun of you because you kept talking about censorship. Hive is censorship-free, votes don't change that. My API node kept storing and, on request, distributing your content.

  2. It's also not good optics for new users when some receive regular big votes automatically, and most don't get anything. Which is where curangel steps in, by upvoting hundreds of users every month and shaving off some from big votes. You say you know 10 people who left because of us - I urge you to look through the replies curangel gets each day since many years and realize how many people we make stay.

I don't know much about azircon and his motivations. I'm not his mom. When he curated for curangel, I checked his voting once in a while, especially when there were complaints of course. All downvotes I saw which he issued were in scope. Again, with curangel, not his private account.
You're not the only one not happy with his downvotes, or his general behaviour on hive. I never agree with threatening people or wanting to drive them off the platform. We're all here to grow hive, not for personal power trips.
Nuking accounts definitely isn't the right option in most cases, and I have removed the ability of curangel to do that a long time ago.
