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RE: Let's not waste this BULL-RUN. We need to do something!

Some would, and others would be attracted to posts that are now saying $200-$300. I wasn't here for it first time around, and that will attract more authors (for the wrong reasons albeit), but it will create noise.. and that's what we want as right now HIVE is whimpering and drowned out under all these more exciting things.. such as dare I say it.. DOGE (which is a load of crap, and we all know it).


Saw this story of someone at Goldman Sachs who took profit from DOGE and quit his job. I expect a few people will be able to do that. I expect it to crash eventually as it's all hype.

Steem had posts making $10,000 in the early days, so that generated some news, but that was due to skewed rewards and it got changed. Hive hardly gets any news stories that I have seen, but it's hard to find them due to the name. I am seeing people come back to it though. We need something to take us well ahead of Steem and then we might see real growth.