Do you accept gifts?

in Project ePay Traffic29 days ago


Only one month remaining for Spring 2024 in Canada. I have been busy planting and landscaping at home. Each year I try to make changes that will reduce my work in future years. All part of working smarter and not just harder. This applies to my online business as well.

What can you do today to cultivate a heart of gratitude. For me, I always look at converting some negative energy to positive energy. I try to send out as much #LUV and positive energy as possible. I focus on being proactive and I anticipate pleasures and favorable decisions. Always celebrate your achievements.

If interested, I would like to send you 10 LUV tokens to help cultivate some grateful hearts.

Just post that you accept gifts and I will send the tokens. This offer is for those who currently do not have 10 LUV tokens required to use the LUV token command.


...and now for an HBIT gift.
Reply to your own comment with the HBIT tip command and receive a token.


@fjworld mined HBIT. ⛏️ (1/1) tools | trade | connect

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I Love You 14Th February GIF by Anke Weckmann


fjworld, edgerik sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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