ESP-ENG Maquillaje de Ursula - La sirenita Ariel 💜 // Ursula Makeup - The Little Mermaid Ariel 💜

in MakeUp Power9 months ago


Holaa amigos de hive, por acá volví yo para mostrarles este artístico de ursula la villana icónica de la sirenita Ariel, la verdad tuve problemitas con el cabello ya que no quedó como yo esperaba pero igual le puse mucho empeño y dedicación y quería compartirles este resultado, espero les guste mucho.

Hello friends of hive, here I came back to show you this artistic ursula, the iconic villain of the little mermaid Ariel, the truth is that I had little problems with my hair since it did not turn out as I expected but I still put a lot of effort and dedication into it and I wanted to share this result with you I hope you like it a lot.

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