White and colors #10 | 100 Eyeliners Ideas Series

in MakeUp Power5 months ago

Here I continue sharing in this series of eyeliners, this time I bring another with white and colored shadows.

Aquí sigo compartiendo en esta serie de delineados, en esta ocasión traigo otro con color blanco y sombras en colores.


To start, my face was already prepared and I also did a small eyeliner with black shadow to give another shape to my eye.

Para empezar mi cara ya estaba preparada y también hice un delineado pequeño con sombra negra para darle otra forma a mi ojo.


Now we start at the upper part of the eyelid, the part that is after the crease of the eye, in this case, I have to do it high up because otherwise it cannot be seen. We go with the shadows in blue, green, yellow and we repeat the same process until the end.



Ahora empezamos en la parte superior del párpado, la parte que está después del pliegue del ojo, en este caso, yo tengo que hacerlo bien arriba porque sino no se ve. Vamos con la sombras en tono azul, verde, amarillo y volvemos a repetir el mismo proceso hasta el final.



Later I made a white liner that was quite close to the eyeshadows, I tried to make it look sharp at the tips and make it similar to the shape of my eye, I also cleaned up the excess shadow.

Posteriormente hice un delineado en blanco bastante pegado a las sombras, traté se viera afilado en las puntas y hacerlo similar a la forma de mi ojo, también limpié los excesos de sombra.


We added mascara, blush and lipstick.

Agregamos mascara de pestaña, blush y labial.


We also make sure to correct the colors or any small details and that's it.

También nos fijamos de corregir bien los colores o cualquier detallito y listo.






You look so radiant and beautiful with this design on your face

Thank you, I thought it was weird at first but love it at the end

That nice

Even thou I'm not fond of make up yours is kind of refreshment, creative & unique. The colors make it more alive & ritual. Nice. I like it & you are also beautiful...

Thank you, that's the idea to do something different and fresh :)

Are you also joining the carnival?

Que bello amiga ❤️, está precioso. Me encantan tus maquillajes son demasiados lindos y originales.☺️

Gracias chiqui baby