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RE: Reliable ecency upvotes for plebs

in MemeHive2 years ago

Thank you for listening to the advice of 300-500 words. I learned it the hard way by personal experiences.

(I don't like self boosting from ecency, some people find it greedy..... Hint, hint, hint. I like to boost other people with my ecency boost. Try this too and you will make more friends, potential long term voters.)



thank you for the nice words :) I'll try boosting other plebs because those are the only people who would notice a $2 upvote :P and for such a small amount I don't think self boosting is major sin even though I get the optics. Others self vote with way bigger amounts :)

Others self vote with way bigger amounts :)

Self voting is a debatable topic on hive which never ends but u r free to pick any sides.

My ideology is if we don't self vote/boost, we are not in bad list of both mentality people. It's not a rule ofcourse. Also you can see your engagement increase when you start boosting others. :)

It's better to give others in a social media blockchain!