
I am not sure if you've left Hive or not. In either case I've started the undelegation of the 1000 MEME from last month. It looks like you hardly if ever used it. If you would like to request another delegation feel free to ask. I hope you'll be more active on Hive in the future.

Since you're new I would be willing to temporarily delegate you a small amount of MEME so you can upvote a few posts and get your own MEME for curation. Would that work for you?

I've delegated 1000 MEME to your @gaminghub2 account. I'll keep that delegation active until around January 15, 2022.

Transaction ID:

The post tags to upvote for MEME curation are any of the following: #meme, #memes, #memehive, #hive-104024. To make it simple you can go to and all the posts there have those tags.

I see that currently your @gaminghub2 account has 0 HP. I'd recommend requesting a temporary delegation of Hive from so that you can make more transactions such as voting and posting.