From Ovada until Nice - do you know how many tunnels there are?

in Treasures of Europe11 months ago


It was not clear where this post would belong... This is not a travel post, showing a certain place we visited. We were on the road, on a stage of the road that my husband doesn't really like. And I... well, I'm having fun, as always 😂
So I just hope that Treasures of Europe would be a good option, as travelling is also a treasure :))

Driving from Italy to France can be done in a few ways. Until now we tried three different roads, but not many more options are left to experiment. One year, we drove to the north, from Turin (Torino) in Italy to Chambery and Grenoble in France. It was nice but we had to pay 47€ for one tunnel that connects Italy and France...

There is a road that goes through the mountains from Aix-en-Provence to Turin (we made the way from France to Italy this year, and how nice it was... though there is a part of a local road, not everything is a highway).

The third and most frequent road we use is driving to Genoa and then toward France passing Savona, Imperia, San Remo, Ventimiglia... That is a beautiful area, we pass by mountains and sea, there are many curves and... tunnels! Many of them!


That is why my husband (when he drives) doesn't like this part of the road trip as every few minutes we go from daylight to darkness! 😆

But I understand, it tires his sight. He takes off and puts back his sunglasses many times. Do you know how many? Make a wild guess before you see the results!

Sometimes I count the tunnels, but then I get confused, and I forget... so I have just an inaccurate number.

This year I took a piece of paper I found in my purse, a pencil and drew a line for each tunnel we passed.

From Ovada, where the tunnels start until Genoa there were already 25 tunnels... Then I started a new line passing the city of Genoa. I said already, I am having fun. Never bored on the journeys. Sometimes I am the GPS lady, other times the DJ, or driver, or in charge of food distribution from the back seat. This time I was noting down the number of tunnels!


The tunnels were coming and I was drawing lines. Enjoying the ride. The landscape.
checking the GPS. Luckily I didn't fall asleep counting so many of them... Like when one counts sheep before falling asleep :D


The number of lines was drastically growing. My husband was asking how many of them we passed until now... as we knew more or less how many tunnels there were but not the exact number.

At this moment, we have already passed 81 tunnels:


But we still had a lot to go. More tunnels!!!

I am surprised we didn't end in some different dimension, as I was joking in one of my posts in the past.


Ventimiglia is almost the last city in Italy before we enter France. But there doesn't end the story with the holes in the mountains...



Until the city of Nice, there are tunnels.

Did you make your guess at the beginning of this post? Here is the result.

From Ovada, Passing Genova and arriving at Nice, there were:

140 tunnels


Did you imagine that?

Believe me, it is a very nice part of Italy but it is a bit tiring for the driver.

The road after Nice, toward Antibes, Cannes and Marseille is easier!

I hope you had fun like I had while drawing these lines :))





Do not go inside!!

But oh my so many! If I was to guess I would say less than 20 :p

Less than 20? 😁

We can multiply your answer by 7 and get the real number 🤓

Do not go inside!!

But we had to 😂

I was very close then :D :D

I really wouldn't have imagined that there were so many galleries!
My answer, exaggerating would have been 30!
Practically 1/5 of the reality. But you have to consider, though, that the highway must have a gentle slope (where possible) and wide curves (given the speeds). So the only solution is to "puncture"(hahahahahah) the mountains.

We always say that the infrastructure in Italy is great, as where it can be done there is a tunnel of a viaduct!

But also, always lavori on the roads to improve and maintain the roads ;)

This is true: if it is possible we Italians, we certainly achieve it... Unfortunately, however, everything brilliant that we create, we do not manage and maintain as we should.
The most striking example is the problem of the Morandi Bridge, which collapsed due to poor maintenance.

I remember it. Well, I remember the news as we had to pass by Ganoa, just a few days after the sad incident. Because of that, I don't complain anymore about "lavori", as I know roads have to receive maintenance.

An interesting point: don't complain about the work because it is routine to keep the streets tidy!
We Italians are an extremely hectic people (as well as, at times, uncontactable) and so "wasting" time on highway slowdowns is seen as a "sacrilege" an affront to one's time (a true form of selfishness).

WOW! 🫢 I never guessed such a high number of tunnels! (And I have traveled the same road several times!)

Well done, @mipiano: you've found a very original way to have fun while travelling!

But I ask your husband: how many Panda cars in the third lane with a slow ride? 😉🤣

Amicoooooooo! Come stai?

You remember I was mentioning last and the previous year these tunnels, but now, we have indeed the exact number :) 140! Space shuttle also passed through them :D

Hahaha, Panda cars 😂 they are even in the fast line, wanting to overtake 😁

You have dealt with a very different and interesting subject, first of all I would like to thank you for this because I had a pleasant time reading it. Co-piloting the driver is respectable because my wife usually prefers to sleep on long trips and I even have to uncap the water bottle while I'm driving. Frankly, I was surprised that there are so many tunnels on your route, of course we pass through tunnels on our long journeys, but yours is a bit of a record :) By the way, I can understand your husband's fatigue, it must be really hard to enter the tunnel in sunny weather and repeat it 140 times, I don't like this feeling at all.

I do sleep sometimes, but then our son is the co-pilot :)
Of course, there are also other tunnels at different places, but this section of the road is really record-breaking in tunnels. 😁
The constant change between bright and dark is what brings the difficulty, I see that you do understand this as a driver ;)

I find it very tiring for the driver 😬 140 tunnels? You're a good traveling companion 👍☺️ I'd fall asleep with so many tunnels 🤭

Oh, I sleep sometimes, but this was funny to count. :))
My boys also got the game and they were counting with me and reminding me every time we entered a tunnel!

Incredible, you travel more than Marco Polo. Hahahaha. Enjoy all experiences my friend.

  • Aquí se dice que si aguantas la respiración al entrar a un túnel y puedes aguantarla hasta salir y pides un deseo en el trayecto se te cumple.

Hahaha, Marco Polo. 😂
Just wait, there is a lot more to come 😁

Sí? No lo sabía. Espero recordar lo que dijiste la próxima vez que pasemos por un túnel. Gracias!

😐 oh, I thought 100, I missed 40 🤣 That's a lot, huh? Pero qué bonito que pueden hacer esto cada año. Es genial. Esto es lo que yo llamo quejarse de cosas positivas jajajaja...

We can say that this portion of Europe has as part of its treasures 140 entrances to the shadow and 140 exits to the light.

Great!!! Esta conclusión necesita music. So Dj... come on.

... too much edits, my OCD problem. Sorry.

You were close then :)
Even 100 already sounds like a lot, right?

this portion of Europe has as part of its treasures 140 entrances to the shadow and 140 exits to the light.

Cool conclusion, so as a DJ I found now one song about Tunnels {I am listening to it for the first time}

Qué buen tema DJ, 🍨🍦

When you were counting 81 tunnels I said to myself.... there must be 92, but I never imagined there would be 140, that's an awful lot!

Well, who knows what's in the other dimension, would you go in? I might, I like adventure, maybe it's a better dimension, weird and majestic.

Great but don't fall asleep hahaha😉

I liked to play with the idea of passing into another dimension, place, or time, I did those things. But now, when so many tunnels had to be passed it was difficult, one can get lost in all those other dimensions hahaha

I also like the theme of the dimesniones, I want to go to one... or is it that I'm already in an unknown hahaha

What a mess of timelines it would be!🤣

No, no, no, please stop !! I can't have an other tunnel 😂

Haha ! I love the idea, this really something that always interested me, counting things. When I was a child and during long car trip, I used to count the road signs... sometimes even by shapes and colors lol !

Thank you for this good moment with you, I'm wishing you some in return, hoping you had a safe travel :) Enjoy the holidays !

hahaha, ok, I stopped and indeed didn't count after Nice. :D

Counting is interesting but also can make you get confused, so that's why I had to use a piece of paper and note them down, to get the exact number. It was a fun activity. Road signs - oh, I didn't count them, but what a good idea. Maybe it can be my next challenge 😆

Thank you @anttn , a wish you too a beautiful summer 😇

Haha ! Knowing myself, I would have continued if I had arrive on a number that doesn't suit me ^^

An idea could also to turn all that into sounds and music, depending of their length and rhythm of apparence :)
But maybe you just want to enjoy your holidays without making music hehe !

Thank you, take good care 😘

Wow, can imagine all the work that went into making those tunnels back then. It's kind of mind-blowing to think about paying €47 just for one tunnel. (Now, this makes me a bit more thankful for the tolls I'm paying now here!)

Sounds like a fantastic road trip! I'm keeping my fingers crossed to have my own little adventure across the EU soon with my 2 wheels. Just waiting for the day the borders crossing between Asia and EU return to the state before the war.

There are tolls on this road too, but the other way, which includes that one long tunnel which costs 47 euros was a bit of a surprise, so we didn't go there this year.

On two wheels? That sounds exciting, I think more interesting than travelling by car, though it also has its challenges, right? Fingers crossed you can have that EU adventure 😇

Yea, it's got its challenges, but it's usually a lot cheaper and more efficient than traveling by car.

Holly molly! That's a lot of tunnels!
Personally, I love passing through tunnels but honestly, I think it becomes tiring at some point to get in the dark and then back to the light over and over again. But it sure is an interesting experience :)

A lot, yep!

For me it is interesting and you see, I made my boys have fun with it too, they were reminding me with every tunnel that I have to draw a line. It is easier to pass the difficulties when we have fun :))

Absolutely! And that's a smart way to keep count of the total number of tunnels, lol!

Wow 😱 that's incredible, 140 tunnel , I think we have here about two tunnel in all the country, do you now how many km did you travel , it most have been a lot I suppose...

Señor Puma!! 140 tunnels - 140 portals hahaha. But we would get lost, with so many hahaha, so I just counted and nada más :D haha

How many km? I will check it out now, just a moment!

It was just around 200km ( I had set my GPS that day until Narbonne in France, that's why in my phone screenshot in the post there are more km shown.)

But from the highway near Ovada to the city of Nice, there are 200 km, and 140 tunnels ;D

Screenshot from 2023-08-04 18-47-15.png

Wow 😱 140 portales eso es como las puertas de la Matrix 😂😂😂

200 km that's a lot your poor husband had to drive too much 😅🤣🤣

In total, it was 2500 km over three days - one way :D

Oh, and the same when driving back in few weeks hahaha.

El tramo de 200km es poco. Poquísimo 😉

😱😱😱 te imaginas yo en 🛵 2000 km que divertido! 😂😅

jaja, siii 🤣

pero depende de la moto 😉

si fuera Harley-Davidson, por qué no?

Wow. That's a lot.. It must have been a very long ride..., tunnels are good attractions too hehe...


Of course a good entertainment too :)

And training to the eyes :D

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The road looks very good and smooth
I think you should also try to help your husband maybe to drive basically because of his sight...

Yes, maybe I should also drive more through this part, I asked - he didn't want. All perfect ;)
I was driving later.

That's an incredible number of tunnels! I would have never guessed that there were so many. It sounds like you had a lot of fun counting them, and I'm glad that you enjoyed the journey. The scenery must have been beautiful.

On a long road trip, there are always things that we can find to entertain ourselves. These tunnels for sure are doing it - bringing fun 😃

hello @mipiano long time no see you, my to channel😁 when I saw my followers, I saw your account and I saw this post, I was surprised to see your very long journey, you must be tired, in 5 days of travel, but the post you sent is cool and this tunnel view I remember the tunnel in my city there is also but it's not as beautiful as the tunnel you visited, because here the tunnel is not maintained, thank you also for your support to me when you view my content, I also just showed a new video for open mic don't forget to stop by on my channel I hope you stay healthy and keep up the spirit I'm proud of you

Yes, we had a long journey this summer, and I also like to have some fun while being in the car, so these tunnels wanted to be counted.

okay, have a nice day

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140 tunnels, maybe I will feel dizzy when I pass through it 🤭


Maybe if we count together it is more fun :))

Even if you don't faint first 🤭

Interesting. If it was me, I would have lost count of the tunnel.

I would lost count too - that's where paper and the pencil helped me :D

There are many tunnels that must be crossed! It must be really exhausting for the driver the process of adapting to so many changes in lighting. However, I would like to appreciate these architectural wonders live.

I found it a very enjoyable and original post, which shows your traveling spirit and your sense of humor. I liked how you explained your adventure, in detail and with grace. I was impressed by the number of tunnels you went through and how you kept track of each one of them. It seems to me that your trip has been an amusing experience.