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RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: The Lost Cabin in the Woods

in Urban Exploration3 years ago

Wow, what an awesome place. So much good stuff there and relatively untouched. He definitely had all the goodies that you could want. Cars, guns, booze. Awesome stuff. I expected it to be something you needed to crawl through given how low the roof looked. That would have been nasty!


It was all quite open once we got through the greenery. A right man-cave!

We need to figure out something for you to take care of the nettles without walking around wielding a deadly weapon. What if you carried around a board to kind of smash them down? Then after you leave they hopefully spring back up to deter arsonists and the like...

Laughs in American

I have a machete right here!

8n all seriousness, a walking stick might be best.