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RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: Tilstone House

in Urban Exploration4 months ago

It actually looks a lot better than I thought it would for having been burned like you said. Usually those are a total gut job. Did you pick up one of those things on the table? It looks like a canister light to me that sits flush in the ceiling. You would have had to looked at the bottom of it to tell though. Do you wear a mask when you go to these places? The black mold looks horrible in some of them. You should wear a hazmat suit!


Did you pick up one of those things on the table?

I didn't, sometimes I look at items, it depends what they are, I didn't recognize these.

Do you wear a mask when you go to these places?

I don't. After 400 explores, it's probably too late for me to avoid catching something shitty. I do cough sometimes when I don't have a cough, could be due to what I do.

Could be! I'm betting those were canister lights.