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RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: The Lost Cabin in the Woods

in Urban Exploration3 years ago

I think you have accessed it quite well. It could have been my dad's without the Vodka. He wasn't even a sniffer.

I think he did too much of it in the military when he was younger.

I had to read all the comments to figure out what that thing was! Aha! Part of the Land Rover. I loved the Discovery and wished they had kept the shape. I don't even like Land Rover anymore and they were either amazing or lemons. Seems they had no in-between.

Machete? REally? No kidding. You know we would be put away for carrying one of those without reason. Yeah, just saying Urban Exploration may not fly with a judge here unless he was a cool dude. What was the last time that happened?

That little time capsule was a great find, so much packed into that little place. I could find many possibilities when I looked up January and February with Sundays on the 27th. It at least brought it to a ballpark. I liked all the tins and paraphernalia about the car etc. This was a fun discovery.

Totally a man cave. I wonder if he lived in one of those houses nearby?


I could do with a machete for the back of my house, that's also a forest of nettles. We can't own such things here, or risk being arrested.

This one was strange, but they are all different in their own right.

It was a little strange but that was the fun part about it. Much like people themselves each one of these is so individual.