Courtyard spaces. Riverside-2

For a long time I could not start filming the courtyards of the Riverside part, although I promised to start studying them with the onset of autumn. When I lived in Veliky Ustyug, I also photographed courtyards and dilapidated housing there. And when there was very little left for me, then deals went to moving to another city, in which I now live.

Vologda seemed huge at first! This is logical, because the area of ​​the city is almost seven times larger than the one in which I lived.

But spaces are being explored very quickly, and after two years of walking around the courtyards, there is very little left to explore.

And since something big is coming to an end, it means that something even more global with drastic changes will begin soon. Well, I made such a conclusion regarding the previous experience.

Everything can go according to a completely different scenario.

I already reflected in the past year on the topic of time travel in the past in order to change something in the future.

Then I came to the conclusion that this is impossible...or possible only under one condition (death).

Now my thoughts have led me to the fact that the slightest change in any circumstance in the past can lead to huge changes in the future.

No, if I kill not one sucking mosquito, but two...or take a step half a meter to the left, then nothing will change.

There are key moments in time, points of no return, an incombustible threshold, after which fate (life line) will follow a different trajectory with other key points.

That is, if you allow the possibility of moving into the past for the sake of changing the future, then you need to think over every step to the details so as not to miss key events.

And it is necessary to remember all the key events and also know which of them have an impact on changing the life path, and which do not.

And then I remembered that all my key events were recorded in my diary. Am I preparing myself for such a journey?

I remembered my life over the past ten years and tried to understand what if some of the events had not happened and how it would have affected me.

And it turned out for me that if even one of them hadn't happened, then I might not have become who I am now.

And even the worst events in my life, as it turned out, were very important.

But the question remains: is there some kind of global life branch (fate), that no matter how you change it, you still cannot avoid certain important events.

If I could get away from some bad event, would it not lead to even more sad consequences in the future?

Like in the movie "Time", where a man-scientist met a girl, and she died...and no matter how he tried to save her, returning to the past, she always died...only in different ways ...