Courtyard spaces. Tourundaevskaya street

Incredibly, I found another very cozy place among the industrial zone! There are two five-story brick dormitories here. This is probably the most remote place in the city, where people live among the industrial zone.

It is even more difficult to get a taxi here, although one car came with me.

There are private garages next to the houses - an integral part of the yard space for russian children.

These houses are located in close proximity to the Vologda River.

Along the coast there is a passage for cars, but how much it is in demand and real, I have not checked.

And the thrill is that the river is only a few meters away. Only now there will be a view on the industrial zone.

Behind the garages is a large number of worn-out truck tires.

Among the industrial zone there is also a small section of the private sector, but this is already a topic for another project, so I may come back here again.

If you go further along Tourundaevskaya Street, you will see a view of the river port.

Here I was once on a frosty winter day.

On the opposite bank, you can see the spaces that I will explore in the future.

When I find myself there, I will definitely take a couple of shots with a view of the coast I have already explored.

To be continued...


You described these usual normal places in so interesting manner 👍
I live in the same neighborhood in Kharkiv