Minimalism in Cherepovets

This time I will do it in the reverse order: the first post about walking through the Cherepovets courtyards will be the theme of minimalism and graphics, and then I will allow you to return back to reality.

Previously, obscene words or declarations of love were written on fences, garages and walls of residential buildings. Times change. Now in the first place of the wall inscriptions is an advertisement for the distribution of drugs, which municipal services are trying to paint over in every possible way.

They do it with varying degrees of success.

The main thing is that no one will select the color of the paint relative to the color of the wall. What color was taken in the raid today, that will cover the entire advertisement!

But for a photographer, every minus is a plus. Due to the difference in colors, interesting paintings of modern art in the style of cubism are obtained.

Combined with shabby textures, this looks doubly attractive.

This raises a philosophical question: who is the creator - the one who painted or the one who photographed?

In theory, art should be conscious, but those who painted squares on the walls hardly understood anything about art.

Otherwise, we would have had much more colorful walls, and then a competition would take place among them.

Even if it is taken for art, then an extremely narrow circle of people will admire it. So in contemporary art it is always like that!

In general, I saw it, found it interesting and captured it.

If you think so, then documentary photography is not intended to fight for the status of art. And if you take it even more globally, then all photography is more or less documentary.

So this topic will lead to a dead end, like any other about contemporary art or documentary photography.

The last pictures in this post already have a slightly different theme: there are no painted over ads, but textures and different colors are also present.

Here, the creator is not only utilities, but also time.

In fact, there are countless such stories in any city, but meaningfully I drew attention to them only in Cherepovets.