Reichsbahnausbesserungswerk Salbke, Magdeberg. I enjoy acres of emptiness.

in Urban Exploration8 months ago

Easy for you to say, and they wonder why the German language is so difficult to learn! but with a little patience these lange verbundene Wörter can be broken down into bite sized chunks.

It was the engineering workshop for the German railways, here in Magdeburg.

So having parked up and made my way on foot, this I was not expecting to see!


Trumpton and the cops, with guns and tasers here to spoil my day. I fucked off. Popped into a nearby Kaffee Cafe to contemplate my navel

Then the voices in my head started, I listened to both sides of the argument. I paid my bill and left.


"See" said my fav. "I told you there would be another way in, furthermore I see no rising smoke"

Softly softly catchhe monkey. Onwards and upwards.


There is a lot of history in this place, so in the absence of treasure, and to fill the void of open spaces I seek to enlighten you, or fuck it, just look at the snaps. I know not where I am heading nor what I am entering, but clearly there were a vast number of repair shops still standing. Protected as an historical monument.


Building started in 1892 as the "Royal Railway Main Workshop, Salbke" and became operational as a repair shop in 1894

100 workers and staff were employed on site most of whom were transferred from other workshops in the area.



The factory was expanded around 1899 because more and more vehicles needed to be serviced. The number of employees increased from 100 to 400.

At first the site was generating its own electrical power onsite, stored in battery packs, whose capacity were great enough and powerful enough to feed nearby railway premises.





Smoking was not allowed apparently, even though from 1904 the site had its own fire department and also its own medical centre.






By the time of the First World War, 1,000 employees were working on site, With the outbreak of war, the factory was heavily involved in armaments-related production, wagons were converted for military transport. During this period, the increase in women working on site expanded as many of the male workforce were drafted into military service.


The tagging was not up to the usual standard that one normally sees in these places





Fast forward to WW2, on January 21, 1944 during a major air raid on the area of Magdeburg, the premises were destroyed by around 80%





After the Second World War, the site was heavily restored and was operational once again, albeit under soviet occupation in the GDR.






At the beginning of 1992, after reunification 1,200 people were still working at the plant, but the numbers fell, old buildings and outdated machinery being part of the factors for closure at the end of 1998.

It has been unused since and despite grand ideas by politicians has fallen into disrepair.


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thank you @indiaunited @steemflow for your support and curation. I very much appreciate it

I think most of the languages are hard to be learn in one way or another. I heard lots of rumours about Romanian being very hard as well but in the end, I think it's just a matter of time until people understand a bit of a new language they learn and then they will make connections between words a lot faster and easier

good point well made, after several attempts I can just about say that word!

Thoroughly enjoyed the history on this urban explore.

People need employment, feel supportive together with fellow countrymen, bring back honour and honesty in a hard day of work.

Future thinking behind why so many places being abandoned, not being put to use in some positive way makes no sense.


yes indeed, hamstrung by pointless legislation prevents development

Our current situation! No idea what they doing, destroy more every day.

knock down rebuild

Might as well, looks like prime land.

Hey @grindle, here is a little bit of BEER from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

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When I saw this word Reichsbahnausbesserungswerk in the title of you post, my first instinct was to ask you if there's such a word, of your keys stuck in your keyboard 😁

How do you find these places, as I see you're a master in this regard.

yes hell of a word!!!! even better after a couple of gins! I guess i shall accept the moniker Master lol, it is years in the game that has taught me how.

Also I have a network of contacts both in germany and ( say it quietly, russia),as well as UK who I have hooked up with in the past, and sometimes if I trust them I swap locations with them . Also spend hours scrolling through google maps looking for " hmm that looks interesting, pin it and visit, some work some don't. A lot of places , especially when I did Estonia a couple of years ago where " drive byes" unexpected finds on the roadside. A lot of research behind these escapades.

I can imagine how much research you need as these places are not just lying around. It's always heartbreaking to see these places, but interesting too.

totally agree, pointless legislation about preserving historic buildings makes it financially not worth the effort to renovate I guess.

The problem with protected buildings is that you need architects and specialists to restore it to its original state and that costs a fortune.

yes it does, and that puts developers off, after all they are in it to make money, not provide for people

First thing that came to mind was how the heck would you possibly say that word 😂

my point exactly lol

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It must be fun finding the entries and exploring. I think the German language mastered the putting together of words just to challenge anyone who would like to learn the language. As u said bit sizes.
The places is colourful with graffiti and history. Would be nice if they do implement some of their grand ideas but luckily they hadn't yet so you could have entry.
Interesting photos as always.

cheers @momogrow , yes fun it certainly is