Reichsbahnausbesserungswerk Salbke, Magdeberg Part 2...The end.

in Urban Exploration9 months ago

So I guess you are wondering what happened to those guys with hoses and guns?

So am I, but never saw them again. Weird.


Today the site is ruined, but it is a protected historical building.



An attempt to rescue the site was the plan develop into a solar park. However, to do so would involve demolishing a large part of the listed buildings so the plan remained unfinished.



Throughout 2013 the site became headline news several times, when witnesses allegedly saw a man with a frightened child on the premises.

The search for the child was unsuccessful and there was never a missing person report.






Early in February 2013 Despite the site being secure ( hmmm righty!), a 24-year-old geocacher fell 22yds whilst climbing inside the factory's chimney. Fortunately for him he landed onto a steel canopy breaking his fall He survived, with a fractured skull, pelvis and legs.



Sometimes discretion is the better part of valour, so I kept my feet firmly on the gound, no climbing today








There was another report made later in the year that a girl was threatened with a gun on the premises - another large-scale search including using a helicopter and dog team was unsuccessful, once again there was no report of a missing girl.



Sometimes there be no treasure, sometimes one doesn't need treasure to enjoy a mooch, sometimes the emptiness is enough.


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cheers @teamuksupport for your support and curation, much appreciate it

Hopefully it was just rumours of missing people... Although this place doesn't look the most welcoming.

yes, maybe all made up to give the politzei something to do.

another large-scale search including using a helicopter and dog team was unsuccessful, once again there was no report of a missing girl.

More than one means GHOSTS! Did you see any of the white-sheeted beings with coal-like eyes?

i don't believe in ghosts!



thats an improvement!

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Yes, the emptiness alone is awesome. What a place. Would be so cool to wander around there. Lucky you… hehehe
Great captures @grindle
Happy Sunday!

Hmmm... mysterious!

Several reports of scared kids and potential violence, without any results found. I wonder who made those initial reports!

As for the geocacher, all my respect in spite of the horrible injuries! The lengths that one goes to in order to find a hidden box is incredible. Of course, I am sure if the cache is hidden in such a place where you need to climb through dilapidated chimneys at such a site, it may contain more than just a toy car and some stickers!

Thanks for sharing these really amazing photos!

cheers @stortebeker , kudos to the guy who actually placed the cache!!!

Visually seeing the large boilers, steel works, massive machines that used to grind away daily to me fascinating enough to visit.

Master pieces in machinery people prefer to pretend never existed (coal fired), way before our time and would work still if maintained more than likely, not a throw away world back then.

No climbing necessary the floor sounds perfect.


try running massive boilers like that using a solar panel....lofuckingL

Waiting, watching for the big backfire..... Solar and Windmills 'my ear, my eye, my arsehole' are these going to generate power like yesteryear....


Nope, no farming, no farting going cyborg me thinks....

Hey @grindle, here is a little bit of BEER from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

I swear you made up the place name in your post title 😄

LOL, not even my brain could invent that LOL

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