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RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: Just Gents Stylists

in Urban Explorationlast year (edited)

An ADHD youth accepted a bet to torch both locations within an hour, managed it, and avoided jail. That's the justice system for you in the UK.

The jails are full, there's no room.

'Don't do it again young James', will you? Here's a lollipop and a condom to go with it, don't go raping any young girls either, now off with you'.

Haaaaaaa.... Haaaaaaa... Haaaaaa.... 😂😂😂

But... damn... friend @slobberchops... Lucifer with diarrhea seems to have lived in that place!... It's chaos!... And what photos!... Now I understand why you and @anidiotexplores moved to Liverpool!... What places!... Really impressive...

I can't stop saying it: That last photo is one of the best images I've seen today in #hive... And look, I usually see hundreds of photos a day here!...

!discovery 40


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Uses: 14/25

Now I understand why you and @anidiotexplores moved to Liverpool!

Just for a visit!, we did a LOT of Liverpool last year, so much there's little left now.

I did like the Methadone bottle shot, and don't see things like that often.