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RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: The Blue Pig

In 1978 it was more about the beer and probably a quick and easy pie and peas sat at the bar. Lots of them have fallen to the sword. In my old drinking town, I would say a good 85% are now derelict, demolished or renovated into something else.

Now people here buy cheap beer at the supermarkets and guzzle it at home. The drinking days are almost gone.


Sausage or Pies, mash and mushy peas with gravy most probably most served, or fish and chips in some, none were fancy. Basic meal with local beers on tap to wash it all down, yup loads of fun meeting locals at the town haunt.

Bygone era, younger folk would snub this way of entertainment, always enjoyed how most places you could pop in with your dog and wife if you really had to, have a chat, quick swill and head on home. Perhaps wife bargained in the walk for the dog was a way to get them both out the house....?

LOL.. very unhealthy food then! Fish and Chips is still a mainstream dish in even the new style pubs come restaurants. Some things do not change. The older style ones especially in rural areas do allow dogs, the newer types shun them.

Not the same, not the same younger generation play games on phones, we used to sit and laugh and talk and yes drink a pint or two, listening to the old locals reminisce life..., long before we arrived. Dogs even got a lick or two of beer, those that were lucky enough!

Unhealthy food we walked off pretty quick, remember we walked most everywhere! If not walking, pushing the bug you drove to hopefully kick start that engine that always let you down at the most inopportune moments. 😂