Who will win the US election? (A POLL)

in Hive Polls3 months ago (edited)


UPDATE: Peakd.com now supports polls

QUESTION: Who will win the US election
Not who you want to win but who you think will win.


  • Donald Trump
  • Joe Biden
  • RFK
  • Someone else

* Voting this poll requires an HIVE account and an interface that supports voting.
In case you’re not in one of these, you can go here to cast your vote.


I don't really know about US Politics, I don't live in the US myself.

But from what I've seen from the Internet and memes and stuff, I don't think you guys are going to elect Joe Biden again :D

And the Voting link doesn't work


i updated the link try that https://beta.hivehub.dev/poll/1f9d59111c428301a0e3cd8a945cae0fb81e7bb

I didn't mean to post this from my main account woops

This link doesn't work either.

Is it just me ?


EDIT: Oh nvm, this link in this reply is missing a "1" from the end of it, the one in the post worked.

Whichever candidate wins, the people always lose. It's just the way the world works when people feel like sheep and need followers.

Libertarians, Anarchists, Voluntarists, whatever you want to call us, do it better!

I hope that the results came out with the american people's choice, and not anything else in the middle... So many interests in the voting procedure

The lesser of 2 evils will win.
RFK's voice sounds weird.