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RE: Hi From Hive: Your Journey on Hive is My Journey too

in Hi From Hive3 years ago

Well, I couldn't agree more with all the words in one comment. It reminds me of this problem teachers have around here. They have to squander their resources and get into more jobs to make a living. The education in this country would be better if the people who do the job could just focus on that.

It is a wonderful thing to pursue one's goals through these blogs. I have had a blast of a time with a little here and there and hopefully it will get me far with more hard work.

The music community has a lot to offer around HIVE. There's tons of great musicians making mindblowing posts all the time. Makes me want to not play anymore and sit and enjoy.

You, of all people know how much it take to create, to make, so we need to give creators the right incentive.

Indeed! And all the great work gets noticed soon enough and people can afford better things to make even better posts.


That was some nice exchange betrayo, nice to see ya around! I'll come say hi!

Indeed. I hope the internet doesn't go MIA as it did for the last few days.

Oh you mean it was down the whole time? Good luck bro, that's always a game of patience and it doesn't want to work anymore.

Yes, not even a drop from it. And yeah, my patience was already below 0.

Sending you good vibes brother!

Vibes received and amplified your way!
