Hive-llo from Cebu! For Me, Hive Means...

in Hi From Hive3 years ago

As I have shared in my first and second montHIVErsary posts, and in the meet-up post with friends and first ever meet-up with some Hive Cebu bloggers, I expressed with so much gratitude that I am both thrilled and beyond blessed to be a part of Hive.


I have reflectively pondered the question, "What does Hive mean to me?" for almost a week now since the posting of the Hi from Hive contest by @livinguktaiwan. In my almost four months of being here, Hive for me means home, with much warmth and depth--it has become a safe haven, a refuge without prejudice or judgement, a place with freedom and limitless potentials. (No, the sky is not the limit!) It is a safe space to be myself. It is a place to express my thoughts & ideas and to hone my creativity as well. Furthermore, it is a place where I have found a supportive community that embraced and accepted me as me, where I feel like I belong and that I have something valuable to offer or contribute. I have found new friends here in Hive, especially through my Hive Cebu Community as they are my friends-turned-family, and I am glad to have forged friendships online too, with people who are in different parts of the globe!

Since 2017, I haven't used Facebook the way most people use it. I only access the app to: (1) announce something important to my students (2) post a life update by greeting the special people in my life when it's their birthday (3) search for people when I need to investigate something; and(4) check on job postings from time to time. I never scroll my own timeline since 2017. It has been liberating because I do not have to mind everyone's business--it's a relief, really. In the same year 2017, I deleted the Twitter app on my phone, and it has been a great experience to be able to clear my mind about things that are not truly essential for me to live. The Twitter I am using now is something I have made exclusively for Hive so that I can promote my blog. I use Instagram sparingly, whenever I think I want to post something, etcetera. Ergo, I am an extroverted millennial in my sound mind who's living in the city yet who seems to be a "digital hermit/ recluse", at least to some extent. And then came Hive.


It is only in Hive that I get to have my own sacred space to create a world I want to see, bring my ideas to life, wildly imagine sorts of perspectives, write passionately, sow seeds of love and truth, express freely but gently, hone and harness my throbbing creative soul and interact with people I actually, sincerely care about. Hive has opened doors (and windows) of opportunities to new learning, as I read and learn new things from bloggers all around this wide world. I do not have to physically travel to see, smell, taste, hear, touch and experience exhilarating sensations in this magnificent globe that we live in--I get to do just that by seeing and reading (and a great deal of imagining) through the shared posts from people of different walks of life !! (People who lived in the 1800s to 1960s would have their minds blown! The perks of technology, yes?) HIVE has opened my eyes to so many riveting kinds of adventure--ah, life is bursting with so many possibilities! It is a humbling experience to realize that I am but a teeny tiny drop of the expansive ocean of this lovely home called Earth.


Hive to me is the best heartfriend* I wish I had sooner-- I come here to post and talk and share all the things that make me alive and all Hive does is listen without judgement and accept the ramblings of my heart. It is now difficult for me to imagine my life without Hive, truly. It may be unbearable, to say the least.

*heartfriend- noun; a term for a bosom friend who is genuine, loyal and faithful; word created by me

I have shared in the previous blogposts (as cited in the first paragraph of this post) that I wish I knew about Hive way sooner, but then, that would change entirely everything, and I wouldn't know the people I know now should that have happened, so I dare say that everything has happened for a marvellous reason that I agree with so.

‘Til the next post, hivers! Remember that you are loved beyond borders and beyond time & space. Okay? Okay. 💛❤️

Ciao for now! 🤗🥰

This original article is written by Jong, the blogger behind All photos are hers, too.

Jong CL

Hive-llo, everyone! Welcome to Jong's little buzz-y corner in Hive. Jong believes that every person she meets can teach her a thing or two (or three, or more) about life. She shares her love for life here-- the captivating beauty of life! To be more specific, but not necessarily in this order, she's interested in: wisdom, love, poetry, single life, books, travel, health&fitness, fashion, gratitude, unspoken hurts, heartbreaks and healing. Lastly, she loves Jesus.

Do you like her content? Make sure to upvote, then! Drop some love by leaving a comment-- she really appreciates listening to your thoughts! 💛 Feel free to reblog if her post resonated with you. Kindly follow her to not miss a post! Happy hiving, loves! 💛

write to wander by jong cl.gif


Hive is the best *heartfriend 🤗😻
Aweeeeehhh 💕💕💕



(3) search for people when I need to investigate something

hahahahah. stalker alert. ahahhaha same ta ug sentiment na we wish we've known hive sooner but no regrets now. happy that it happened and got the chance to meet you all!

HAHAHA kanang mga students na mangayo deadline sa research paper kay daghan rason pero ig taan-aw sa FB waaaaooo every minute naay ganap sa timeline oi. Yung totoo? BWHAHAHAA

hahahhahaha mao di. nya igkita kay puro share posts

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