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RE: Hi From Hive! How Hive Has Changed My Life

What you draw as well??!!!!! Is there anything you can't do?

Hive has bought out all the talents in you, and hopefully those who are thinking of joining Hive or not, will realise that Hive can give everyone all the opportunities and potential they have. Thanks for sharing your experience!!!

@tipu curate


Sorry for the late reply, somehow I don't manage to get things done in time these days.

Yes, I used to draw last year and enjoyed it a lot but this year with the lockdown and all I'm more busier than ever. I saw people complaining that they are bored. I don't know how can anyone be bored when there's so much one can do.

I also hope people can see this golden opportunity we have here, all the good influence Hive can have and not just a way to milk the reward pool quickly. It would be a shame.