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RE: Hi From Hive: Your Journey on Hive is My Journey too

in Hi From Hive3 years ago

Well done man, you guys earned it. I know how hard you both work.

There's plenty of phrases that apply but I think it's best summed up as people are always happy to help someone that helps themselves.

Let's see what next year brings😁


We're not done working for a little while haha.

people are always happy to help someone that helps themselves.

Isn't called a good investment? 😁 just selling my stocks out there.

Let's see what next year brings😁

That totally sounds cool, unless you're talking about the eventual zombie apocalypse, and in that case that's super duper cool.

All work and no play....

Of course it's the zombie apocalypse, I've been preparing for the last 20 years. It's gotta happen or that'd be a waste.

As for the investment I'd buy some 👊