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RE: Hi from Hive 😍 My Adventurous Journey in HIVE

in Hi From Hive3 years ago

Exactly, when one grows so much affection for Hive, it would get to the point that it would not just be able creating content and earning alone but to also help out people on Hive. I have felt the same way and now I also support newbies on Hive.

You are really talented I must say, first you are good with children (storytelling is a gift not everyone can do well at). Moreover, you make art (you draw). Your drawing are beautiful. Love them!


Thank you for your message 🥳

It's like that, we fall in love with HIVE, we become part of it.

I congratulate you, helping others is helping Hive, because that will serve for the growth of the platform. Better times will come 🤩

About the quant stories,it's one of the best experiences I've had. I hope to resume this project.

Gracias por tu mensaje 🥳

Es así, nos enamoramos de HIVE, nos hacemos parte de ella.

Te felicito, ayudar a otros es ayudar a Hive, porque eso servirá para el crecimiento de la plataforma. Vendrán tiempos mejores 🤩

Sobre los cuánta cuentos,es una de las mejores experiencias que he tenido. Espero retomar este proyecto.