in HIVE CN 中文社区3 years ago (edited)

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你有吃过猴头菇吗? 猴头菇是一种名贵的菌类,肉嫩可口,也是很多素食者的最爱。它可以做各种变化,如炸,煎,炒,煮等等美味的素食料理。

Hello everybody!
Have you ever eaten Lion Mane Mushrooms? Lion Mane Mushrooms is a rare fungus with tender and delicious taste. It is also a favourite of many vegetarians. It can make various changes such as deep-fried, stir-fried, boiled and other delicious vegetarian dishes.
Recently I always feel that no appetize. In the afternoon, I was suddenly on a whim and wanted to eat curry flavoured noodles. The hot and spicy curry soup can lift my appetize. Opened the refrigerator, there were Lion Mane Mushrooms, Naibai, King Oyster Mushrooms, bean curd, chili, and coriander. So I decided to cook a Lion Mane Mushroom Naibai curry meehun soup.
Today let me share with you home-cooked vegetable dish, Lion Mane Mushroom Naibai curry meehun soup.
The ingredients include Naibai, Lion Mane Mushrooms, King Oyster Mushroom, fried bean curd, chili, and coriander. The condiments are curry powders, salt, and Meehun.

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First, rinse all the vegetables, and mushrooms, and then cut into small pieces.

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After the water boils, you can add curry powder, Lion Mane Mushroom, King Oyster mushroom, Fried bean curds, to cook for 5 minutes to let them taste good

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Then can add in Meehun and chili.

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After that, put in Naibai to cook for 1 to 2 minutes. Then add a little of salts to enhance the taste.

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Finally, add some corianders. Then it is ready to serve!

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I hope you like my home-cooked vegetarian meal. Have a nice day!
Thank you for reading! :))))


Looks tasty, I haven't tried lions main mushrooms but they are in my list of food to try. Maybe I'll have to try this

Thank you @skylinebuds.
Yes, lion mane mushroom is very tasty and healthy food. Highly recommended.
Usually it only can be found in vegetarian stores, quite rare. The price is bit higher than other type of mushroom.

I actually am lucky and we got a local mushroom guy who has them I just haven't found a recipe for them. But now I have.

This looks Simply Delicious! I have never had bean curd with mushrooms, but it looks amazing so I may have to try it! Thank you so much for sharing your recipe

Hello my dear @dswigle, it is my pleasure you like my home cook vegan meal.
Yes, Lion Mane Mushooms and fried bean curd are matching well with curry flavor soup. I'm sure you will like it. Thank you for dropping by. Have a nice weekend! :))

Thank you so much! I look forward to trying it! Have a wonderful weekend!

How delicious! Yum!