
您的360張照片非常有創意。 我真的很喜歡上面放著鳥的五彩照片。 這件藝術品使我想起了我在夏威夷最喜歡的地方之一,稱為“ Kakaako”。 它就在市中心,但距海灘僅一個街區之遙,並且到處都有酷炫的城市藝術品。


我現在要開始我的YouTube頻道,並且從零開始。 我等不及了。 但是我打算不久後住在卡卡可卡(Kakaako),並在那裡做很多博客宣傳。

他們有美麗的高層公寓,對於視頻博客來說,這是創作者的天堂。 對於YouTube觀看者來說,這也是他們眼中的一場盛宴。


Thank you for sharing these lovely and creative pictures. Now I think the camera maker should pay you. Now that me and probably other reading this post wants to buy one.

haha Thanks I think insta360 is quite stingy in such affiliate stuff but I heard gopro max does quite a lot of that.

Lovely & creative photos, more like art. Try any software to turn them into paintings, almost all of them would be nice paintings for the decoration.

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