Etch Art 刮刮畫

in HIVE CN 中文社区4 years ago (edited)

Recently I've started to play with etch art, sometimes it's also called scratch painting, but I think etch art sounds fancier 😀 Etch art, is using a sharp pen to scratch patterns on a scratch card. The scratch card has a layer of colour underneath and is covered with black paint. When you scratch off the black paint, you'll see the colour. The fun with etch art is that you don't know what colour is underneath, so you literally don't know how your creation will look like until you finish it.

最近我愛玩刮刮畫。 刮刮畫是用特別的刮畫卡和刮筆創做作品。每片刮畫卡底層塗上顏色,然後上面再塗了一層黑色的刮刮漆。用刮筆輕輕刮掉黑色的刮刮漆,底層的顏色就會顯示出來。這個玩兒有趣之處,是它充滿著驚喜。要刮掉黑色的刮刮漆才知道創作是甚麼顏色 。刮刮卡通常已預畫了圖案,只要跟著刮就可以。


livinguktaiwan divider.png

This box I bought has messages instead of images. I'll tell you why I bought this in a minute, if you haven't guessed already. The box consists of 8 cards, 4 of them have pre designed messages, and the other 4 are blank cards. It also comes with an etching stylus, two sheets of alphabet template and an instruction booklet.






Unfortunately, some of the cards had some scratches, which was a pity. But then, this only cost me £4 which is USD5. So you really can't expect too much.


The first card I choose to practise on is Dream big and work hard. I thought this is very apt for Hive. I started off doing the little dots on the sides first as I wanted to get a feel of it. It looked quite easy, all I had to do was to etch on the white design, but after a while, it becomes a little tiring. Maybe I'm getting old! This one took me a little over an hour. I loved how it started off like blackboard with white writing, and when I finished, it had transformed to a colourful positive message. My next goal is to practice on the other three cards, and when I'm done, I'm going to design my own card. The alphabet templates will come in very handy as I have something in mind that I want to etch. Can you guess what I have in mind?

第一次玩這個新玩意,我選了一張 Dream big and work hard的句子, 我覺得用在Hive上經營非常貼切。玩刮刮畫看上非常簡單,只要沿著白色線輕輕刮就可以。 但原來也蠻花精神喔! 這張我刮了大概一小時多, 從開始是一張黑底白字的刮刮畫,變成一張七彩繽紛的句子,我覺得非常好玩。 等我練習完,下一步我就會自由發揮,創造一張我自己的作品。




I like the idea and the project as well. Where have you bought it from? Maybe I can find some in the local supply shop but I've never seen it here. Or maybe I've never paid attention to it.
What do you have in mind? I'm not sure but something related to hive I believe, something motivational or maybe you want to start sending them to various users, although with the pandemic that is less likely.
Either way I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll be up to 😊
That works requires a lot of patience and precision, so good luck!

I got these from a local bookshop that sells a bunch of kids toys, stationery, arts and craft stuff etc, You probably have it lurking around one of your local stores as well, and like you say, you just don't pay attention to these sort of stuff. I never did until I saw someone mention it on a TV program the other day, and then went looking for it.

You're starting to read my mind!! I'll probably end up doing something Hive related, perhaps my handle though I will have to be creative to fit it all on the same card, that will be a nice challenge. Will definitely share it if I manage to pull it off, as I'm not the most creative person.


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That's so cool! Never heard of it, but looks fun! Not sure what you have in mind for your own message, perhaps something to do with the situation in Hong Kong?

Actually that's a very good thought, you've given me an aspiration now! Thank you for that!!!

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Cool! I didn't know there are readymade etch cards like that. Love the templates! 😍 I tried it out some time ago, where I made my own. This made me want to try it again.

The little booklet teach you how to make your own etch cards, seems like it takes quite a long time. There's quite a lot of blank ones you can get on Amazon now, I just had a look. Maybe that will save you a lot of work


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This is really fun. I tried this before in my school. There was a music and art mini carnival before lesson started in the morning. Our students were allowed to move around to choose what they would like to participate. I remember one of the stations was scratching this black card to create interesting art design. Really interesting.

I like the sound of your school, I wish mine was so fun when I was a kid 😃


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First time I heard of this. I'll try to see if this is available locally. Looks like a cool activity.

It's very soothing, albeit a little tiring on the eyes, but so far I enjoyed ethcing the first card. Hopefully you will find them locally.


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hey that looks interesting! i have seen something like this but it was for a Japanese landscape design. Etch art sounds meditative!

It's great for concentration and its soothing, you need that now 😀