View of Obersee / 国王湖美景

in HIVE CN 中文社区2 years ago (edited)



Yo Hivers! Sharing one of the my favorite trip while backpacking in Europe - Obersee.
Obersee was a lake located nearby the border of Austria and Germany, lie deep between the mountains.
The lake are so clear where you can see the bottom of the lake in close view, but reflect like a mirror in a long-range view.
It's hard to seen something like this from where I came from, so I was totally attached to this.


Shortly after disembark from the boat, there was a group of cattle that were grazing in the distance, with bells on them, the swaying sound was like wind chimes, which sound very refreshing and relax.


At the entrance of the lake, with the view of lonely hut on the opposite side of the lake.


There was hiking track by the lake, which would lead us to the hut at the opposite end. Following the trail along the lake, the scenery along the track were outstanding, the crystal clear lake are basically like a mirror reflecting all the view on the opposite side.


We can even see the blue sky from the reflection.


At shallower places, the bottom of the lake can be clearly seen.


Reached the destination after about half an hour of hiking. That's a rest station for the hiker and a little pretty hut for photo shooting.


During the way back, I was manage to caught this unique moment.
The clouds blocked the sunlight, and the only light that passed through the clouds just shone exactly on the hut on the other side, how coincidence.

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I love the first one, it looks surreal.

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