A Comparison Of Hand Santizers | 消毒搓手液一些對比

Hi Everyone/ 大家好,

Since COVID19, when people come to our place, rather than bring a traditional gift, they would bring over a hand sanitiser as a gift. Over these few months, I realised I have 5 different brands of hand sanitisers at home and want to show you the difference of each of them and if I would use them or not. I need a bottle near the main places around the house for a peace of mind or in case someone drops by, there is one bottle to use at any time. Please note these these are all gifted to me except for 2 which I bought myself. The review below are my thoughts and so please make your own judgement when purchasing or using these items.

自從有疫情之後有朋友過來我們屋企有小部不會帶一些傳統的禮物而是送消毒搓手液給我們做禮物. 這幾個月期間我發現我家有五種不同牌子的搓手液所以今日想跟大家分享我會用那一種.因為家裏有小朋友的關係我都有幾支放在家裏不同的角落.注意的是就是只有兩支是我自己買的,其他都是朋友送給我們. 最後一點就是以下的意見都是我個人的想法如果想買以下這幾樣產品要自己做一些資料收集才購買.


I’ll start with the first one I have from when I had Baby M. With a new baby we made sure we had hand sanitisers around the house so Palmolive was the one on sale at that time. With no COVID19, prices of these hand sanitisers were very reasonable and easy to obtain. As you can see, it took us over 3 years to finish this bottle as it wasn’t being used much before COVID. I love the smell of the solution and the brand is very reputable gives the user the piece of mind when using it. It is pretty had to find Palmolive now in supermarket as they are a hot product/brand people would like to buy.

首先這一支 Palmolive 是我生 Baby M 的時候已經買落. 我們當時都盡量會用一些大牌子的搓手液而且當時沒有疫情所以好容易會找貨而且價錢會比較平. 雖然已經差不多三年但這支搓手液到現在才用完. 這個牌子的搓手液香味非常好而且牌子比較多人認識所以如果在超市看見減價我都會再買一些放在家裏.


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The next one I have was received from @wanderwithtwo when they visited our place when we first moved. She asked me what I was lacking at home so I said a bottle of hand sanitiser and she did buy one for me! This brand is reputable in Australia as it is locally made so at that time, she was able to get it just as COVID19 started. Again I haven’t seen this brand being available at supermarkets for months and I’m sure like the Palmolive brand, people are just snapping them up when they are put on the shelf.

以下呢支就是 @wanderwithtwo 送給我們的.她第一次來我家問我想買什麼過來我就說要一支搓手液因為當時剛剛有新聞說起有疫情所以想有多一支在家裏看門口.這個牌子在澳洲都比較好而且是澳洲製造所以三月到四月在超市裏已經差不多賣完.到現在都好像沒有見過這個牌子有貨所以跟之前介紹的 Palmolive 一樣都受澳洲人歡迎。


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This one other is also a gift received just 1 month ago from a friend. At $20 a bottle, this hand sanitiser is a premium and is more like a novelty due to smell and brand. It was produced by a bottle shop and it meets all criterias of a safe hand sanitiser with 65% alcohol. This one is in a liquid form so unlike the others which is gel, you will need to use it with a spray pump for maximum effectiveness.

以下呢支就是一個月前一個朋友送的.這個牌子是一間釀酒廠做的但酒精含量有 65% 所以是可以安全使用. 價錢方面就比較貴要 $20 一支所以不可以長期購買這個牌子.這個搓手液是流質不像一般的液體所以都要買一支噴霧樽才可以用


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The most cost efficient one I have which I bought this week is from Aldi. The bottle was $4 and is a decent size. There was no smell with this one and no pump so I ended up pouring it into a bottle with a pump and leave it near the door. I guess it is cheap for not having a pump which is not ideal when you have young kids. With 72% alcohol, the solution does smell pretty strong but doesn’t leave the skin too dry which was surprising.

價錢最大眾化就一定是 Aldi 這一支價值$4的搓手液.雖然沒有香味但可以滿足到所有要求而且價錢合理大家可以不妨買一支試一試. 最美中不足就是這個樽沒有一個泵所以有一點不方便.雖然有 72%的酒精但用起來皮膚不會覺得太乾覺得這款可以值得推介給大家

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The final one was bought by a friend who thought I may needed so bought one for me. The one was bought from a variety store and the bottle is huge! The only downside is the brand is unknown and if you check the ingredients, it doesn’t show the % of alcohol which is a bit of worry as we need to make sure what we use has enough to kill the germs. I probably won’t use this one and put it aside and open it if I do run out with no options or can’t find an alternative.

What hand sanitisers do you have in your country? Share some with me below!

最後這一支是一個朋友買給我的. 這一支搓手液非常之大支但沒有牌子讓我懷疑這個可以用嗎. 標籤上沒有寫明有多少酒精而且沒有什麼特別資料所以到現在都還沒有開來用.這一支都會放在一邊,如果真是沒有辦法或找不到其他搓手液就會考慮暫時用一些但現在就沒有這個必要開.





animation by @catwomanteresa

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It's mostly back on the shelves here in Queensland, for the moment anyway!

I managed to pick up some Aqium at my local pharmacy the other day. It was a replacement for a Palmolive one. I loved the feel of the Palmolive one, but the scent was super, super strong, almost sickening. It was the Fig & Coconut one and would have been lovely if the scent hadn't been so overpowering :-/

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Oh thats great! In NSW we have some random brands in the supermarkets so you haven't seen the major brands for some time. I do agree with Palmolive some scents are pretty strong but its better than some strong alcohol ones with some brands.

QLD is still pretty good with the infection rate, hope it stays that way.

Take care


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Battle of the sanitizers

oh totally, its a must have at home and when we are out. Maybe considered as the new norm as well

take care


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@travelgirl, Definitely this is Upside-down Trend of Human Lifestyle.

Have a peaceful time ahead and stay blessed always.

Yes we all need to be doing out part keeping clean + social distancing

take care :)


Thank you. 🙂

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