Sharing Some Hello Kitty Colouring | 分享一些 Hello Kitty 填顏色的完成品

Hi Everyone/ 大家好,

A few months ago I got a Hello Kitty colouring book and thought it was cute to have especially for a Hello Kitty fan like myself. Work has been pretty crap these 2-3 weeks so I decided to continue on the colouring journey to relax while I watch some TV when the kids go to sleep. There has been some instances I wasn’t even sleeping well due to work and working long hours which is affecting the time I spent with family. Luckily Hubby took care of most of the things while I was working through some issue and finally this week things are back on track. So I thought I will share some of the work I have done through the rough times over past few weeks.

幾個月前跟大家分享過買了一本顏色書, 最近就開始用這個方法來減壓. 這兩三個星期公司好忙好, 多時都好趕好貨給客人或要執其他人手尾所以大部份時間都是老公照顧屋企. 壓力大到連睡覺都沒有睡得好. 所以今日想跟大家分享我在這個時間填顏色的成果.

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I am not great with putting colours together but I did try. It was more of a way to help me wind down for the day and finish something by the end of it and feel good about. It reminds me of back at school that I love colouring books and which is why I have so many at home. Maybe I’ll share them with you another day. Let me share some of the finished products below with you. Any of them you like?

現在看這些圖覺得有一些顏色配得不好但最主要是用這個方法來減壓所以好不好都不是大問題. 以前讀書的時候很喜歡填顏色所以到現在人大了之後,家裏都很多顏色書. 下一次可以跟大家分享一些我儲落的顏色書給大家看. 以下這幾幅圖你們最喜歡哪一幅呢?

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animation by @catwomanteresa

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All photos & videos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories unless quoted.


The color makes things more beautiful indeed