A visit to Naeem Nursery Farm Timergara Dir Lower

Starting with the name of Allah the Most Merciful and Almighty.
Hi, I am Ubaid Ullah, I am posting my first post in this community @আমার বাংলা ব্লগ. The post is about one of my visits to a nursery farm located in the city of Timergara District Dir lower. As all of you are aware April is celebrated in Pakistan as the month of spring because in this month spring is in full bloom.
On 18 April 2024, I visit the Naeem Nursery farm. This is not a very big nursery farm but plants in this nursery are very attractive. I observe several kinds of plants in the nursery. In these plants, most of the species were native plants but some exotic species were also present. I capture them with my camera. the following are some of the captured pictures.









Of these plants, some are flowering plants some are nonflowering green plants. The people visit the nursery form for recreation, photography, and buying different kinds of plants.
On one side of the nursery farm, there are concrete and muddy pots. These pots are for planting new plants as well as for sale. I conducted a short interview with the local people and the tourists about the importance of the nursery farm. He said that culturing a nursery farm is a good job. According to the visitors, nursery farms play an important role in the Ecology, economy, and health of people. He said that more nurseries mean more plants and more plants mean a carbon-clean and green environment. They further said that it is also good for saving endangered and threatened species.
I share the post with you. If you know some other importance of nursery farms kindly share them in the comments section. I will include them in my next post. So in this way, we will promote nursery farming.
At the end, I will share a Hadith. The holy prophet PBHU said, "If a person plants a tree or sow a seed and then a bird or animal eats from it, then will be regarded as a charitable gift for him.".
Thank you......