akida cross-posted this post in NFT last year

✨ New Painting finished: the Jellyfish hands✨

in Alien Art Hivelast year

Hello lovely people and aloha out there. Hope you all are doing well.

Today I am allowed to present you my newest #painting. I call it "the Jellyfish hands".


It is the second painted #Artwork of my newly planned handprint - Rorschach series and #NFT #collection.

Depending on how you hang it, the viewer can see something different in it. Possibly even what completely different than I saw by creating it.

The #handprint is actually mine only touched and pimped up a bit. The one variation shows a large handprint and several small ones.

If you turn it the other way around you should see something like ghost jellyfishes with white eyes.
Let me know if you recognize and see anything else in it, because as I said, it is a kind of #Rorschach #inspiration and certainly with #imagination, one or the other can see something very personal and different in it.

The #picture was painted with #acrylic on #canvas. The dimensions of the canvas are: 19 cm x 38 cm x 1.5 cm.

Since I live by the sea, or quite close to the sea, I am strongly connected with the #ocean and all the beings and creatures in it, hence came my inspiration and motivation to reflect this also in my artwork. I hope this has succeeded.

This #painting is also available as a #unique NFT in our beloved @nftshowroom.

The owner and buyer of the #nft can contact me via #Discord, #Twitter or #instagram to get it sent in real life, however, the buyer has also to bears the shipping costs which has to be figured out depending where this one is located.

Of course if the buyer sells it again and has already the real painting at home, he has to handle for the next buyer the real life painting to get. But no worries, if you are cool with the nft only, you don’t need to worry about shipping costs. Its only an opportunity.

hidden File

The lucky owner/ buyers of this #unique #NFT #art will get the Painting to download too (hidden file).


Check my NFT directly out here:











Feel free to leave a comment.
Hope you like it.
Have a great day guys.

Your @akida aka TrinityArt


Check out all of my NFT Art here:


TrinityArt logo feed.gif

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