“The River of Stars Part 11 星の川 パート11” Translation and Art 翻訳とアート

in Hive JP3 years ago

“The River of Stars Part 11

I created this cut paper art, painted the background, and translated the story. In this scene, the old man is being taken care of by the wolves and finally recovers from his mental and physical difficulty. He is out of the cave and simply enjoys the spring atmosphere. Honestly, I really can't wait for spring so, this picture is making me feel much better to feel spring. I really really miss spring. Winter is beautiful but strict and long. I want to see spring plants, animals, and want to feel the spring breeze.

I changed his clothing color. Basically, his hat and sleeves don't change their color. The front and back of his top change their color. Sometimes his pants change their color as well. His clothing reflects the spring atmosphere. This is one of my concepts of his fashion for this story. His clothing shapeshifts its design depending on the seasons of nature. Sometimes it reflects his feelings or situation as well.

When I decided on the old man's character for this story, it didn't take a long time. I got his image in my brain quickly since I read the story. I didn't want him to look like he has any nationality. The old man's character should exist anywhere in the world. That's why I don't show his facial details. Anyway, it took me a long time to complete the artwork, nearly around 5-6 years. Also, I spent a long time on translation work. I wanted to translate using only the present tense for Japanese because this story is not about the past or the future. The moment concept is very important for this story. Also, I used Kanji letters for only the nature words. Additionally, I used Katakana letters for humans or animals. I hope you can enjoy these concepts or details about this story!

About Japanese writing system: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_writing_system

"星の川 パート11”




Here is the previous post “The River of Stars Part 10" 前回の投稿”星の川 パート10” はコチラ:https://hive.blog/hive-105425/@koto-art/the-river-of-stars-part-10-translation-and-art


My Site: https://koto-art.wixsite.com/mysite-1


Love your creation! Stunning!

Thank you so much @travelgirl!!