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RE: Every single moment - Filming should not be prioritized

in Speak Peace2 years ago

I've seen it really bad when someone is taping a child in danger - and not running to help. Even when parents think things are funny - sometimes they really are funny little situations - but sometimes they turn badly fast. and then what do you have?

a video of a child hurting themselves and the evidence that you didn't do enough to stop it. yes - definitely the weird culture that we are living in now!!!


definitely the weird culture that we are living in now!!!

"The Culture of a digital world"

Parents are ready to make their kids shed tears just to get their reaction to a prank. Lol.

Pranks are cool, but a pranks that makes a kid to shed tears needs to be reconsidered.

yes - or even just letting the children do something that's distasteful - for a laugh?
for views?

there is a line. I have seen plenty of videos that just happened to be caught at the right time - and - you know, they're entertaining and cute and funny.. smetimes catching a hero saving someone at the perfect time - i love this!!!

but - others...

yeah... you have to wonder!