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RE: Little introduction about my myself

in Speak Peace2 years ago

Farming is such a worthy goal! I wish that more people would understand all about food and nutrition and how integral it is for us as people, families, communities, countries and the WORLD to truly embrace all that food is.

It's not just good for our tastes, and full bellies! heheh But the proper diets allow us to thrive and excel as human beings - and the IMPROPER foods will really take AWAY from our mental and physical health.

I studied nutrition for several years - simply on my own - because I wanted to understand my body better - and wow! What a journey that was!!!

It is WONDERFUL that you're studying this and I hope that you'll really gain wisdom in this field and teach others!!! Excellent career choice! :)


Amen to the prayers. And i also wish i could enlighten people more on FST and FARMING.

You absolutely can - and look... you are even starting right now - right here on Hive!

Just continue to share what you're learning and why its so important and how its applying to your life - and then tell us all THIS IS ALL PART OF FST/FARMING! hehehehe

and people will slowly be like - wow?? this too?? this is so interesting!

who knows - you might even be able to start a farming revolution! wouldn't that be amazing?!

have you ever seen the writer @b0s on Hive - I'm pretty sure that he was talking about sustainable farming in Nigeria at one point... I always wanted to hear his thoughts about this more hehehe but we both got busy and I never went back to ask him about it more!

maybe you two have similar thoughts and will even start something here on Hive!!!

@b0s - I should come to your DM and ask hehehe